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LCMR 12. Selection of Members of the Board of Trustees of the Superior Court Judges Association

King County Superior Court Local Court Management Rule (LCMR)

(a) Membership. Each judge is a member of the Superior Court Judges Association established by RCW 2.16.010.

(b) Board of Trustees. Two judges shall serve as members of the Board of Trustees of the Superior Court Judges Association as representatives of Association District No. 1. The two representatives shall serve staggered terms of three years, commencing at the close of the Annual Spring Meeting of the Association at which the member is elected.

(c) Method of Selection. In the year preceding the election of a District No. 1 Board member and after the election of the Executive Committee, a questionnaire shall be circulated soliciting candidates for the position of nominee for District No. 1 Board member. Voting and election of such nominee shall proceed as set forth in Rule 0.6. In case of a vacancy, and on the request of the Board of Trustees, the same election procedure shall be followed.

(d) Notification to Association. Upon conclusion of the balloting procedure set forth in (c) above, the Presiding Judge shall notify the President-Judge of the Association of the name of the judge elected and request that such name be transmitted to the nominating committee of the association with the recommendation that such name be submitted to the membership at the next Annual Spring Meeting of the association as the nominee for the Association District No. 1 position on the Board of Trustees.

[Adopted effective September 1, 2016.]
