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Hague: Transportation solutions vital to overall arena plan


Metropolitan King County
Council News

Hague: Transportation solutions vital to overall arena plan



Following yesterday's announcement of a proposed agreement governing financing for a new, multi-purpose arena, Metropolitan King County Councilmember Jane Hague issued the following statement:

“Yesterday's proposal for a multi-purpose arena is one more step towards a private public partnership that would potentially bring professional basketball, hockey and other events to our region.

“On the day after, let us leverage the energy and enthusiasm for this break-through and resolve to deal with the issue of "if we build it, how will they come...and go?"

“The impact is immense as events related to the proposed venue would help area businesses, including restaurants, lodging and others while providing more jobs and creating additional tax revenues during these challenging times. It also would contribute to the economic engine of not only sports but international trade and our region's competitiveness.

“This proposal is also a timely opportunity to fix the inadequacies of transportation access in and out of south downtown and West Seattle. While there is adequate mass transit to the current and proposed facility, there are other issues to consider: road transportation for residents and working people, as well as freight mobility for area businesses—including the Port of Seattle—will transition from inadequate to worse.

“I look forward to the transportation study that will be released in the next 1-2 weeks for a better assessment of impact on transportation and freight mobility. I am hopeful that it will identify possible solutions for access, once and for all.

“I will be vigilant to make sure this initiative is not mandated without solving transportation and freight mobility needs.”

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