Project CARE
Covid-19 Action and Response Enlistment
The County’s CARE Strategy is an attempt to identify options for service, donation and other types of support and to promote giving and volunteerism in a manner that doesn’t further spread COVID-19 or interfere with existing public health efforts. Read further for specific opportunities to contribute.
Click here for a copy of the CARE Motion passed by the County Council on March 24, 2020.
In General, these opportunities fall into the following categories:
Donations - Many non-profits and organizations need donations to sustain operations and continue providing resources for those in need of services. Donations are the most immediate need at this time, and include food banks, blood banks, and non-profits who have experienced loss of donations due to cancelled events, decline in volunteers, and reduced resources.
Volunteerism - Many non-profits and organizations rely on those healthy enough and able, to coordinate efforts in helping those in need of services during COVID-19, particularly as non-profits see a decrease in volunteer participation. Areas of focus could be meal prep and delivery and opportunities for healthcare professionals. A special emphasis would be placed on activities people could do from home.
Serving Your Community – All communities have been affected by COVID-19, some more than others. It is important to help our community, reach out to our networks and offer support wherever possible. Not all volunteerism has to be with an organization; there are things you can do from home or for your friends and neighbors, including wellness checks, creating hygiene kits, and supporting your service industry workers as they see a decline in customers. All activities would adhere to Public Health Guidelines including the six-foot rule for interaction.
Click here for opportunities to serve your community.
Business Community. – Many employees of County businesses have been impacted by COVID-19, resulting in an uncertainty of their work or personal life. Employers can pay back those who’ve helped their businesses thrive, by providing benefits that continue to support their workforce.
Opportunities for King County Employees – The County provides some unique opportunities for employees to contribute to the Covid response and recovery.
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TTY/TDD: Relay: 711 |
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