Evans Creek Natural Area
The Evans Creek Natural Area is approximately 38-acres in size and located in the Bear Creek Basin approximately four miles east of the City of Redmond in unincorporated King County. Evans Creek flows through the western portion of the natural area for a distance of a quarter of a mile and lies within its 100-year floodplain. The site is predominantly scrub-shrub wetlands with a small forest component. The Evans Creek Natural Area is completely surrounded by private property and the western edge is bordered by 196th Avenue NE. It was donated to King County in December 1986.
The Evans Creek Natural Area contains significant habitat for a variety of fish and wildlife species. Evans Creek is home to chinook salmon as well as substantial populations of coho and sockeye salmon. Chinook salmon are listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act. The Evans Creek Natural Area also provides substantial habitat for a variety of bird species and mammalian wildlife.
Current public use of the Evans Creek Natural Area is minimal due to its relatively limited access, generally undeveloped character and lack of trails. Some informal recreational activities such as nature observation and bird watching occur, especially on the edges of the site. As residential development continues in the vicinity of Evans Creek Natural Area, public use may increase substantially.
The Evans Creek Natural Area Site Management Guidelines are available in Adobe Acrobat format, in sections for faster download. For help using Acrobat files, please visit our Acrobat help page.