Construction & demolition recycling
King county requirements for recycling C&D materials:
Readily recyclable materials from construction and demolition projects are required to be recycled. The following materials are banned from landfill disposal:
- Clean wood (clean, untreated, unpainted)
- Cardboard
- Metal
- Gypsum scrap (new)
- Asphalt paving, bricks, and concrete
Additional information regarding the bans is contained in the King County Solid Waste Division Director’s List Download PDF 75 K of Readily Recyclable Construction and Demolition (C&D) Materials Banned from Disposal at a Landfill.
Mixed C&D materials and non-recyclable C&D waste generated in King County (outside of the cities of Seattle and Milton) must be sent to designated C&D material recovery facilities or transfer stations.
Additional information:
- Requirements are detailed under Ordinance 18166 Download PDF 4 MB and Ordinance 19347.
- Small loads of C&D (in vehicles not equipped with dumping mechanisms) are accepted at King County Solid Waste Division transfer stations.
- Bulk shipping containers cannot be used to transport C&D waste from job sites to landfills except under certain conditions.
- Washington State regulations (WAC 173-345-040) require a separate collection container be provided for waste at jobsites that conduct recycling.
- C&D code templates available for adoption by local permitting jurisdictions, and related forms, have been developed in coordination with the Regional Code Collaboration:
Need assistance?
King County GreenTools provides the tools and assistance needed to help you be in compliance with County C&D management regulations and to obtain the highest diversion rates possible on your construction, demolition and deconstruction projects. To learn more about the range of services available and to receive assistance please contact King County's construction recycling program online or by calling 206-477-5272.
Designated c&d processing facilities and waste transfer stations
Facilities approved for accepting C&D materials generated in King County (outside of Seattle). Link provided to processing facility diversion rates.
Construction and demolition recycling
The pros and cons of source separation and commingling of construction and demolition materials.
Alternatives to demolition
An introduction to cost-saving salvage and deconstruction practices and local resources to help you get started.
Design for disassembly (DfD)
DfD is a building design process that allows for the easy recovery of products, parts and materials when a building is disassembled or renovated.
Prevent jobsite waste
Learn how to prevent construction waste by planning accordingly, working with suppliers and utilizing reuse and salvage practices.
Cost–effectiveness of jobsite diversion/recycling
Calculate the costs and benefits of recycling at your jobsite. Contains the Recycling Economics Worksheet.
C&D definitions
Definitions of key phrases used on this Web site and throughout the construction and demolition recycling industry.
Design specifications and waste management plans
Includes information about incorporating diversion/recycling requirements into initial specifications and waste management plans.
Build a successful diversion/recycling program
Strategies to ensure a successful diversion/recycling program as part of your green building project.