COVID-19 vaccination
Information about current vaccine options, in-home vaccination, recommendations for immunocompromised people, and the cost of vaccine.
Updated flu and mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) COVID vaccines are starting to be available. All flu and COVID vaccines, including Novavax, are expected to be more widely available in the next few weeks (exact dates unknown).
Public Health is not able to assist individuals with finding vaccines or scheduling appointments. Call your pharmacy or healthcare provider or visit their website to check if they have the vaccines you’re looking for.
How to get COVID-19 vaccinations
Visit to find vaccination locations.
In-home vaccination
In-home vaccination is available for people 6 months of age and older who are eligible for a vaccine AND have an injury, developmental disability, medical condition, or mental health condition that makes it difficult to leave the home.
To request an appointment: Email or call 206-848-0243. Say your preferred language when connected. You will be asked a few questions to confirm you are eligible for in-home vaccination. When scheduling, please note how many people in your home would like to get vaccinated.
View our in-home COVID-19 vaccination flyer in our COVID-19 materials for the community.
Vaccines for immunocompromised people
CDC recommends that anyone ages 6 months and older who have moderately or severely weakened immune systems (immunocompromised) get a third dose of vaccine. The third shot is part of their initial vaccine series, not a booster.
Immune compromised children and adults should also get booster doses when eligible.
Cost of vaccine
Most insurance will cover the entire cost of COVID-19 vaccine, including Medicare and Medicaid/CHIP (“Apple Health”). Anyone with insurance is required to provide your insurance information to the vaccine provider. (This is a change since the public health emergency declaration ended.) Please bring your insurance information to your appointment. Some health insurance plans may charge a co-pay for vaccinations received out of network. Please contact your insurance company for more information.
More information about low or no cost vaccination for children and adults:
Additional resources
Flyers, videos, and resources
Visit our COVID-19 materials for the community to find flyers, videos, and resources about COVID-19 in several languages.
Frequently asked questions
Find information about COVID-19 vaccine in over 40 languages from the Washington State Department of Health. They also have FAQs for parents and guardians about COVID-19 vaccine for children. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s website has detailed information about myocarditis and other topics.