Natural features: by the numbers
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This infographic appeared in the Department of Natural Resources and Parks 2015 Annual Report. Get the most current version from our Environmental data and trends site.
- 2,131 square miles
- 1,931,249 population
- 14th most populated county in the U.S. (out of 3,033)
- 760 lakes and reservoirs
- 975 wetlands
- 46.32 inches average annual precipitation
- 6 major river systems
- 3,000 miles of streams
- 100 miles of marine coastline
- 3 federally protected salmon species
- 850,000 acres of forestlands
- 500 flood facilities and revetments totaling more than 119 miles of riverbank
- 28,000 acres of parks and natural lands
- 200 parks and 215 miles of backcountry trails
- 353 miles of underground wastewater pipes and tunnels
- 8 solid waste transfer stations and 2 rural drop boxes
- 920 acre Cedar Hills Regional Landfill
- 3 major regional wastewater treatment plants; 2 smaller treatment plants
- 4 combined sewer overflow treatment plants
- 2,369 commercial/residential stormwater control facilities
- 700 low impact development sites