Public Rules
Employee Giving Program Public Rules
Per KCC 3.36 the Employee Giving Program may adopt rules for the program, including but not limited to, eligibility requirements for nonprofit participation. In order to be transparent, gain feedback from a variety of sources, and involve as many stakeholders as possible, the EGP Committee chose in 2012 to utilize the King County Public Rule Making Process which requires public notification and an opportunity for public feedback.
Notice of Intent to Amend Public Rule
The King County Department of Human Resources (DHR), Employee Giving Program, intends to adopt the following amended public rule in accordance with King County Code chapter 2.98 and chapter 3.36.
PRE-8-1-1-PR - Amendment of Rule PRE 8-1 (PR) King County Employee Giving Program
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The purpose of this rule amendment is to update the criteria and processes as authorized under King County Code Chapter 3.36.045 (Charitable Contributions from County Employees), including eligibility criteria which govern nonprofit participation in the EGP in order to receive donations.
Any interested person may submit written comments concerning the proposed rule. Comments must be received by the King County Employee Giving Program, no later than 4:30 p.m., Thursday February 11, 2021. Comments may be submitted via the following methods:
- Regular mail: King County Employee Giving Program, 401 5th Ave, MS: KSC-HR-0803, Seattle, WA 98104
- Telephone: 206-263-9405
- Email:
A copy of the proposed rule is located on this webpage at the top of this notice. You may also receive a copy by calling Junelle Kroontje, Employee Giving Program Manager, at 206-263-9405 or emailing The final version of the rule as adopted by DHR after the review and comment period will become effective on or about March 17, 2021.
Dated: December 28, 2020
Current Public Rules
Public Rule ACO-8-PR - Emergency rule for nonprofits applying to the Employee Giving Program in 2020.
Public Rule PRE-8-1 - Rules for nonprofit participation in the Employee Giving Program.