KC eLearning
Build your skills and knowledge with free access 24/7
Get access to more than 1,000 online learning courses related to personal and professional development, computer and technical skills, and dozens of other topics designed to help you reach your personal and professional goals.
Login today!
Login by using the NEOGOV icon on your desktop or through the single sign-in below.
Login to NEOGOVFor NEOGOV issues, submit a HelpDesk ticket specifying you have a NEOGOV issue
or call 206-263-4357.
Additional tips to use KC NEOGOV
1. What is NEOGOV?
NEOGOV is the county’s new Learning Management System (LMS). It is also the market and technology leader in cloud-based, human resources software for the public sector.
NEOGOV is a powerful online tool that puts professional and personal development in the hands of employees. It is integrated with other NEOGOV tools the County uses to support onboarding, offboarding, and performance management. It helps ensure learning has a prominent place in every stage of an employee’s career.
2. Why does King County offer online training to employees?
King County recognizes that its employees are its most valuable asset and should provide them with the tools they need to support their growth and development.
3. How do I access King County NEOGOV?
There are several ways you can access King County NEOGOV:
- Click on the NEOGOV desktop icon that is on all County computers. If you don’t have the icon, contact KCIT through the HelpDesk.
- Use the following single sign-on link: https://login.neogov.com/authentication/saml/login/kingcounty
4. What if I don’t have my own County computer or tablet?
You may also use the methods outlined above at a shared workspace. If that is not available to you, please contact the KCIT HelpDesk at 206-263-4357 (3-HELP).
5. Can I access King County eLearning from a smartphone or tablet?
Yes, however, data charges may apply.
6. How do I navigate the tool once I’m logged in?
Click on Training in the left navigation bar to show your "Overview", "My Courses", "Course Catalog", and "Training Activity Report". The Department of Human Resources has created an Introduction to Learn video and How to navigate King County eLearning video to help you use the new King County eLearning.
7. How do I see the courses that are available?
After logging into NEOGOV, you can browse the Course Catalog from your personalized dashboard. You will see all the courses that are available to you as well as the courses you have already taken. Use the search bar and categories to further refine the course lists to your interests.
8. Are there recommended courses I should take?
Learn offers more than a thousand courses and what you take depends on your interests or what your supervisor recommends for you. For courses of topical interest, scroll through the banner at the top of the Course Catalog page. Featured courses in the carousel are refreshed to stay current and relevant.
9. Can I take training during work hours?
If a course or video is directly related to your current job and you would like to take it on paid time, you must first obtain your supervisor’s permission. If your supervisor approves your request, you will be paid for the time you spend taking the course. Your supervisor will decide whether you can take the training during your regular work schedule or outside your normal work hours.
10. Can I take training that is not directly related to my job?
If a course or video is not directly related to your current job, you may take it without your supervisor’s permission. You will not be compensated for the time you spend taking the training, and you must take it outside your regular work hours or at a time you and your supervisor agree upon.
11. How do I know if a course is directly related to my work?
If you are not sure if the course or video is directly related to your current position, ask you supervisor before you take the training.
12. Are we required to take King County NEOGOV courses?
Unless your supervisor specifically directs you to take a training, you are not required to take eLearning courses. Taking courses is voluntary, and you decide what courses you would like to take to support your career growth and personal development.
13. Will I get credit for the courses I complete?
Yes, you will receive credit on your employee training record for any courses you complete in the Learn tool.
14. How do I know which courses I’ve already taken?
From your personal dashboard, you can view your training history and print a course transcript.
If you have a group of 20 or more that you would like to bring any of the courses to, email KCTraining@kingcounty.gov and we will connect with you to make that happen.
If you have questions about a class please contact kctraining@kingcounty.gov.