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Amendments to the transmitted 2017 King County Comprehensive Plan & Vashon-Maury Island CSA Subarea Plan

Amendments to the transmitted 2017 King County Comprehensive Plan & Vashon-Maury Island CSA Subarea Plan

Council Amendments, as of December 4, 2017

On December 4, the King County Council adopted  the 2017 update to the 2016 King County Comprehensive Plan and the proposed adoption of the 2017 Vashon-Maury Island Community Service Area (CSA) Subarea Plan (Proposed Ordinance 2017-0317).  At the meeting, the Council voted on amendments to the plan and then voted to approve the legislation, as amended.  The amendments that were considered by the Council can be viewed below.

Amendment 1 – PASSED

Title Amendment 1 – PASSED

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Committee Amendments, as of October 17, 2017

On October 17, the King County Council’s Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee took action on the proposed 2017 update to the 2016 King County Comprehensive Plan and the proposed adoption of the 2017 Vashon-Maury Island Community Service Area (CSA) Subarea Plan. The Committee voted to adopt the Executive’s proposed Striking Amendment S1 and approved individual amendments to the Striking Amendment. The Committee then voted to move the legislation (Proposed Ordinance 2017-0317), as amended, on to the full Council for consideration with a “do pass” recommendation. All of the amendments that were considered by the Committee can be viewed below.

Proposed Individual Amendments to Striking Amendment S1

Amendment 2 – WITHDRAWN

Amendment 2a – would add additional evaluation requirements for the Affordable Housing Incentive SDO - PASSED

Amendment 3 – technical amendment that would replace Attachment B Land Use and Zoning Map Amendments with a corrected version - PASSED

Executive’s Proposed Striking Amendment “S1” to 2017 King County Comprehensive Plan & Vashon-Maury Island CSA Subarea Plan - APPROVED BY COMMITTEE

Executive Transmittal Letter for Striking Amendment S1

Summary of Striking Amendment S1

Summary of Special District Overlay (SDO) changes

Striking Amendment S1 to Proposed Ordinance 2017-0317

Title Amendment T1 to Proposed Ordinance 2017-0317


Vashon-Maury Island CSA Subarea Plan (Attachment A) – October 2, 2017

Land Use and Zoning Amendments (Attachment B) – October 2, 2017

Amendments to 2016 Comprehensive Plan (Attachment C) – October 2, 2017


If you have questions about the Council’s 2017 Comprehensive Plan process, please email

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