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Meeting Stakeholder Needs Through Communication

Large, expensive projects that require significant cultural changes also require major marketing - to gain acceptance as well as funding.  The broad array of stakeholders and potential users made communication both a focal point and a potential trouble spot during the development of the ECR Program.

Early in the Program, the Clerk's Office failed to secure funding for an initial project due to failing to effectively communicate clear and immediate paybacks. This setback highlighted the importance of developing and managing stakeholder relationships.  After this initial setback, outreach focused on the King County Budget Office, the Office of the Administrator of the Courts, the Regional Justice Center Planning Committees, county clerks, bar associations, judges, the Prosecutor's Office, and the public.

Ongoing personal contact with each group of stakeholders provided opportunities for the Clerk's Office to share their messages, as well as to better understand the needs of the ECR Program’s users. This communication loop helped Clerk's Office staff create a more useful, successful program.

What follows are examples of some of the specific ways ECR project and program managers prioritized communication with different contingencies.