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Use Cases

Use Cases

Moving from paper to an electronic record is more complicated than simply reiterating paper processes in electronic form. ECR Program developers used developmental tools called Use Cases to more effectively make the leap to electronic processes.

Use Cases described every aspect of paper filing procedures in the Clerk's Office, and were developed in three steps.  First, program developers worked with staff to understand every procedural aspect of each phase of the paper filing process. These processes and procedures were then written into documents called Use Cases.  Each Use Case described a specific work process and functionality.  These descriptions were then used by program developers to determine what improvements and efficiencies could be provided by the transition to the electronic record. By illuminating and describing every aspect of the paper procedures, Use Cases helped ECR Program developers avoid the trap of merely recreating paper processes as they moved to an electronic court record.

Representative Use Cases have been included here; for more information, please contact us.
