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Translation and Interpretation

Translation and Interpretation

Free translation and interpretation services for VSHSL-funded providers

The Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy (VSHSL) can support VSHSL-funded entities in translating program materials and providing interpreter services to VSHSL clients. This resource is available to eligible providers at no cost. Translating written materials (such as brochures, fliers, intake forms, etc.) and providing interpretation (at an activity such as a 1:1 meeting, counseling appointment, training, etc.) can help to meet the needs of communities we serve or wish to better reach. Services include those for persons who are hearing or vision-impaired.

Making requests for translation and/or interpretation services

VSHSL-funded service providers may request translation or interpretation services for their VSHSL-funded programs and/or clients using the steps below.

  • You will be notified within two business days about the status of your project/request.

Required survey

Following each completed translation project or interpretation activity, we’ll send you a satisfaction survey to help gauge the process and services received. Your feedback is an important step in helping us understand your experience and will help improve the VSHSL language translations and interpretation service offerings.

Contact Us

Phone 206-263-9105

TTY Relay: 711

Fax: 206-296-5260

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