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Finance and Administration Section

Finance and Administration Section

Who We Are

The Finance and Administration (F&A) section provides a wide range of financial and administrative support services to the Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD). Staff have a mix of professional and educational backgrounds which provide a basis for the knowledge and expertise necessary to deliver essential support services to the division.

What We Do

The Finance and Administration Section provides budget and finance oversight to the division as well as general administrative support. Some of the key support functions include: 

Accounting, finance and payroll

We work with central county agencies to maintain the accounting and payroll systems for division operations. Staff are responsible for ensuring that expenditures and revenues are properly recorded in the county’s financial system. This includes making necessary accounting entries, processing accounts payable, and payroll for division staff. It also includes managing billings for grants, interlocal and interagency agreements, and charges to private entities for services provided. These activities are conducted with a focus on strong internal controls to ensure the division meets public expectations for sound fiscal management.

Budget and rate development

We coordinate the development of WLRD’s biennial operating and capital budget requests. WLRD’s adopted 2015/16 biennial budget includes operating appropriations of about $152 million and capital appropriations of about $149 million.

In addition to budget development, F&A staff work with senior management to develop surface water management and noxious weed control fees.

Surface Water Fee billing services

We maintain accurate parcel information for calculating surface water management fees billed on annual property tax statements. This includes billings for approximately 90,000 accounts (parcels) in unincorporated King County as well as approximately 162,500 accounts for 16 cities which contract with King County for surface water fee billing services. Staff also respond to customer inquiries regarding surface water management fees.

Office and support services

We provide general office support services for division programs located in the King Street Center. This includes reception services, coordination with building management, mail and ordering office supplies. Section staff also provide support for development of interlocal and interagency agreements, as well as coordinating responses to public disclosure requests.

For questions about WLRD Finance and Administration Section, please contact Nitin Chadha, Finance and Administration Services Manager, King County Water and Land Resources Division.
