Contract Roster Links
Suppliers must register with King County as an E-Procurement Supplier to gain full access in the supplier portal to download attachments and submit a response to any solicitation. Information on registering with King County as an E-Procurement Supplier, as well as resources to assist with navigating the supplier portal, can be found by following this link:
After registration, the link to the E-Procurement Sign-in page is:
Once you complete theE-Procurement Supplier registration you will be able to apply for one of the following Rosters.
Architectural and Engineering Consultant Roster
Architectural and Engineering contracts (under $500K) are solicited from Consultants on our Architectural and Engineering Roster.
Limited Public Works Roster (construction)
Public Works projects estimated to cost less than $35,000 may be awarded using the Limited Public Works Roster process in accordance with the Revised Code of Washington. These projects are not advertised in the newspaper. Instead where possible, a minimum of three contractors on the Roster are invited to bid for each project.
Small Works Roster (construction)
These construction projects are valued at $350K or less and are not publicly advertised. Usually, five or more contractors from the Small Works Roster are invited to bid. Contractors are rotated on the list to ensure equal opportunity to bid.