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Recommendations for including disclaimer text on your pages

Disclaimers are harmful to the users experience. They increase the amount of text on the page, which means the user will have to take more time to read the page or they will stop reading and instead scan to get the information they are looking for. The latter is most common and means they might miss important information on the page. User studies also show that most users don’t read disclaimers. If it is critical that users understand content from a disclaimer, that should be written in plain English (not legal language) and should be tested with users to make sure they understand.

We recommend the disclaimer text be placed in an accordion or a modal window. This is especially important for repeat visitors. Assuming that checking the disclaimer box is required before proceeding, the checkbox should either cause the user to move to the next page or it should be adjacent to the continue/next/submit button.

Disclaimer with accordian

Terms of use

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ac erat sit amet nibh suscipit posuere non id magna. Aliquam consequat aliquam metus, quis posuere risus interdum in. Nam sagittis sit amet augue ac pulvinar. Nulla vel tristique mauris. Donec laoreet, mi ac bibendum feugiat, arcu dolor viverra odio, et viverra nulla lorem sed lacus. Nullam augue neque, consequat sed nibh in, euismod porttitor sapien. Donec efficitur eleifend turpis, non efficitur turpis laoreet eu. Nam sit amet malesuada velit. Nulla at dictum est, vitae semper eros. Donec viverra, massa at hendrerit congue, est neque auctor dui, vel fringilla mauris lacus quis nulla. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse non vulputate magna. Praesent viverra nulla dictum, dictum lectus aliquet, interdum sapien. Nam id nisi interdum, vulputate sem ut, tincidunt risus. Proin placerat condimentum sem in rhoncus.

Disclaimer with Modal window

Terms of use