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The Lower Boise Creek salmon return videos show underwater footage of Chinook and pink salmon returning to spawn in a restored section of Boise Creek west of Enumclaw, WA. The first thing returning salmon encounter as they leave the White River and enter Boise Creek is two acres of new habitat restored in 2010 and subsequently monitored for success.
2013 pink salmon video
This video shows pink salmon returning to Boise Creek to spawn, September 9th, 2013. The video Pink salmon do battle in Boise Creek (external link) was produced by Josh Latterell and is published on Vimeo. Video length is 1 minute, 59 seconds.
2012 Chinook salmon video
This video shows Chinook salmon returning to spawn in Boise Creek, September 25th, 2012. The video Chinook salmon spawning in Boise Creek (external link) was produced by Josh Latterell and is published on Vimeo. Video length is 2 minutes.
2011 salmon returns video
This video shows Chinook and pink salmon returning to spawn in Boise Creek in fall of 2011. The Lower Boise Creek spawning salmon (external link) video was produced by Mason Bowles and is published on Vimeo. Video length 2 minutes, 46 seconds.