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Little Si Natural Area

Little Si Natural Area

Little Si Location map
The Little Si Natural Area is 28.2 acres in size and located just east of the City of North Bend on the western boundary of Mount Si Natural Resources Conservation Area (NRCA), which is managed by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Little Si Natural Area borders the Mount Si NRCA on its north and eastern boundaries, the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River on its western boundary and private property on its southern boundary. The site encompasses the western slopes of Little Si Mountain starting approximately 250 feet below the summit and contains primarily mature forest cover with lesser amounts of rock outcrops and grassy openings. Approximately 90% of the natural area is composed of a homogenous second growth conifer stand. King County purchased the site in November 1989.

Little Si Natural Area contains significant habitat for a variety of fish and wildlife species. The Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River supports a variety of non-anadromous fish, but Snoqualmie Falls downstream prevents anadromous fish from reaching the Middle Fork. The Middle Fork corridor is identified as a wildlife habitat corridor in the King County Comprehensive Plan (2004).

There is limited public use in the Little Si Natural Area, due to steep slopes and rocky outcrops that make the western flanks of Little Si Mountain virtually inaccessible. However, the proximity of the site to the Mount Si NRCA, and the presence of the "blue hole," a popular swimming hole adjacent to the site in the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River, ensure that the site is used by the public.

Little Si Natural Area is located at 436th Ave SE and SE 114th St, North Bend, WA 98045.

The Little Si Natural Area Site Management Guidelines are available in Adobe Acrobat format, in sections for faster download. For help using Acrobat files, please visit our Acrobat help page.

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Little Si Natural Area Site Management Guidelines
