Neely Bridge Natural Arean
The 25-acre Neely Bridge Natural Area is located in south King County, east of Auburn. The site is located on the right bank of the Green River at River Mile 35, upstream of the Highway 18 intersection with the Green River. The surrounding properties include farms, residences, King County's Porter Levee Natural Area and property managed by the King County Property Services Division. Part of the site is within the Upper Green River Agricultural Production District.
The King County Department of Natural of Natural Resources and Parks (DNRP) acquired Neely Bridge Natural Area from the Washington Parks Foundation for $10,500 in general county funds. In December 1977, Val Bain donated the property to the Washington Parks Foundation with the stipulation that the land be used as a public recreation area.
The site is comprised largely of a steep bank. It includes a small section of an unclassified stream. Vegetation includes Himalayan blackberry, sword fern, salmonberry, willow, cottonwood, alder, bigleaf maple, Western redcedar, and Douglas fir.The Middle Green River supports populations of coho, chinook, and chum salmon, steelhead, rainbow, and resident and sea-run cutthroat trout. Bull trout have also been observed. The King County Wildlife Habitat Network runs through the Green River Corridor at the Neely Bridge Natural Area.
Although the site is available for passive recreation activities such as walking, fishing or hiking, the site is not visited often due to a lack of physical or legal access. There is no parking at the site, and there is no legal access route to the site from public roads.
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Neely Bridge Natural Area Site Management Guidelines