Governance - Cedar River Council
Meeting Guidelines
- Remember the Council’s goal and mission.
- Respect the opinions of other Council members and members of the public.
- Address and focus on the issue not the person or the organization.
- Avoid redundancy.
- Avoid dominating the discussion.
- Begin meetings on time and honor time limits.
- Establish the decision points for items needing a decision.
Decision Making Principles
- Consensus: The CRC will strive to operate by consensus. Consensus is defined as “all CRC members can live with the recommendation or decisions.” All recommendations and materials will be reviewed and discussed by the CRC before being forwarded to any organization.
- Decision Making: Decisions will be made by consensus of those CRC members present at a meeting.
- Correspondence/Product: CRC correspondence/products can be developed and disseminated only when the decision to do so was made by consensus.
- Correspondence/Product Development: CRC Coordinator will strive get CRC member agreement on each draft correspondence/product developed for the CRC. Where there is disagreement on the content of the draft correspondence/product, and the CRC Coordinator is not able to negotiate an agreement, the final decision will be made by CRC Co-Chairs.
- Absence of Consensus: If consensus cannot be reached CRC members will be asked to articulate areas of agreement and disagreement and the reasons why differences exist. If the CRC member chooses to articulate areas of agreement and disagreement, members representing the different perspectives on specific issues will be asked to prepare language reflecting their views to be included in the minutes. The language should clearly identify the issues and information needs and uncertainties. In addition, those members that support each perspective will be identified in the minutes.
About the CRC
Upcoming Meeting Schedule
Meetings are usually held on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. via Zoom. All meeting information is subject to change.
- No Meetings in July and August
- September 24, 2024
- October 22, 2024
- November 26, 2024
- No Meeting in December