Employee Engagement Survey
Your voice matters
2024 Employee Engagement Survey
By participating, you will help us measure our progress from last year and determine areas still needing improvement.
A big thanks to the 8,300 eligible employees – more than 63% - who completed the 2022 survey. Our goal for 2024 is a 70% response rate..
Survey results
Take a look at previous employee survey results and learn how it makes a difference.
View ResultsEmployees only
Date | Action |
March 18 - April 5 |
Survey open |
April 5 | Survey period closes |
Action Planning
Response to the survey is happening at every level of the organization with action plans developed by teams at the department, division, workgroup and senior leader levels. Get started on creating an action plan, and track the progress made.
Actions as a result of the last survey
We heard you, and acted on your feedback from the last Employee Engagement Survey:
- Launched a new training around our We are Racially Just value
- Created the online Burnout & Resiliency training through Balanced You
- Resumed launch of the Executive Branch Values toolkits (racially just, respect people, solve problems)
- Developed the Walking Bus Program
- Increased security measures, including additional security guards, shatter-resistant security film at King Street Center, and use of employee IDs in Chinook
- Opened All People Restrooms in Chinook and King Street Center
- Engaged employees in ERSJ Strategic Plan Refresh