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For all the ways you give
Give, Volunteer, Share
For all the ways you give
- Anonymity can’t be offered because personal information is often directly on these items, unless the donation is made to the KCEGP or is done through the storefront.
- Can be done on a paper pledge form or as a e-check on the storefront (e-check is preferred as part of the COVID pandemic response as it reduces touchpoints.)
- Can write as many checks as you would like.
- Make check out directly to the nonprofit organization.
Now make a one time donation on our page -- we accept Visa and MasterCard -- to your favorite nonprofit organization while earning your favorite credit card points or miles. Credit donations can be made for:
- Special Events
- One time donation
- Online auctions
- Natural Disaster Relief
- and more
King County employees can donate to as many as 20 nonprofit organizations of their choice through Peoplesoft (PDF also available here). Contributions can be made:
- Semimonthly (first two pay checks each month)
- Monthly (second paycheck each month)
- Annually (first paycheck in January)
Minimum donation per organization is $5 per pledge. Maximum number of organization designations is 20. To include your donation in a pool of money that will be distributed to ALL campaign participants that receive donations on a prorated basis, write 9999 in the code section and write KCEGP under organization name on your donation form.
King County employees can donate vacation and/or compensatory time to three nonprofit organizations of their choice. The minimum donation is 4 hours and maximum donation is 40 hours (unless you have excess vacation time). If you are an employee with excess time that cannot be carried over into the next calendar year, you may donate more than 40 hours.
Please Note: Time donations are income and are treated as such. It is the net cash value of the hours (after all mandatory withholdings, including withholding in accordance with retirement plans, federal income tax and the Federal Insurance Contributions Act) will be calculated, that is the charitable donation. Because the value of hours donated will usually differ from the hours on a normal paycheck, it will probably be taxed at a different rate than what you are accustomed to and may have year-to-date implications. You will receive a receipt notifying you of the net cash value of your time donation.
You will receive a receipt notifying you of the net cash value of your time donation. THIS YEAR due to when the payroll calendar falls ** Please try to submit Time donations by November 15, 2024. They absolutely cannot be accepted after November 22, 2024. **
Time donations are a 2024 tax event. You may donate the vacation or comp time that you have accumulated through the year. Executive Leave and Sick Leave are not eligible for time donation.
All time donations are subject to department director approval.
- Download donation form (pdf)
- Donate time through Peoplesoft
To include your donation in a pool of money that will be distributed to ALL campaign participants that receive donations on a prorated basis, write 9999 in the code section and write KCEGP under organization name on your donation form.
You like to be in the action and feel like you are doing something. This is the place for you!
Find volunteer opportunities here:
Many organizations list volunteer opportunities on their website. See the full list of KCEGP nonprofits here.
To hear about specific KCEGP opportunities sign-up for notifications here:
It's always better together!
Invite a co-worker or do a team volunteer event. We can help point you along the way. When you are done, share your #GiveTogetherKingCounty story on social media or during the Annual Giving Drive.
Yes, you can have it all. Whether you are just getting started or a volunteer leader. We're here to help.
Non-represented employees and employees whose union has approved this benefit, including those covered by the Master Labor Agreement, may use up to three sick days per calendar year to volunteer at a nonprofit in the Employee Giving Program. How awesome is that?
Read the whole process and find the forms on the Leave Administration Page here.
- Sick leave for volunteer service policy (pdf)
- Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)
- Sick Leave for Volunteer Service Form (printable) (fillable)
- If pledging to volunteer during the Annual Giving Drive, please indicate so on the 2024 Pledge Form.
For the Employee Giving Program's purposes - please make sure we get a copy of the leave request emailed to before the leave is taken.
Step I: Log-in to Peoplesoft
- Click on Self Service
- Click on My Giving
- Click on Charitable Campaign Pledge
- Click the yellow button that says “Make an Annual Campaign Pledge”
Step II: Choose your task
- Click on My Coordinator down arrow. Choose one.
- Click on Donation Schedule down arrow. Choose one time, 12 or 24 Pay periods.
- Enter the KCEGP Agency Number. Press Enter on keyboard.
- Enter the Annual Amount. Click the PLUS sign at the end of the row to add another nonprofit.
- Enter number of hours. (see guidelines here)
- Enter the KCEGP Agency Number. Press Enter on keyboard.
- Up in the right hand corner is a summary box that will update as you fill out your pledge form.
- When using the search function at the bottom of the screen, use one key word for better results. Press ENTER on your keyboard, not the continue button on the screen.
- In order to add another nonprofit organization for payroll deduction hit the plus (+) sign located after the dedication box. You may add a total of 20 nonprofit organizations.
Step III: Review & Confirm
- Choose to share your name and address or to remain anonymous
- If you qualify for a leadership gift this box will appear. Please accept or decline your>
- Once everything has been entered click Continue
- After you click continue this statement will appear.
- Please click Confirm if everything looks good! You are all done!
Tax Information
According to the IRS, taxpayers who claim charitable contributions made by payroll deduction can satisfy the recordkeeping requirement if the donor has (1) a pay stub, W-2, or other document furnished by the employer that states the amount withheld for payment to charity, and (2) a pledge card other document prepared by or at the direction of the charity that shows the name of a donee.
Payroll Donation:
To claim an income tax deduction the employee must have a pay stub, W-2 or other employer document showing the total amount withheld for the charitable organization AND a photocopy of the donor pledge card. This is needed to substantiate and claim a tax deduction. A letter prepared by or at the direction of the charity (stating the date, amount donated, and "no goods or services language") also qualifies.
- Copy of Pledge Form or Printout from PeopleSoft
- Last Paystub of the year
Both can be found by logging into PeopleSoft:
Time Donation:
- Copy of Pledge Form or Printout from PeopleSoft
- Letter from EGP and Time Donation Paystub and/or Last Paystub of the year. These were mailed to your home. You may email us the program at for a replacement letter.
Cash, Checks, or other Monetary Gifts:
To claim an income tax deduction, the employee must have a bank record (cancelled check, bank or credit card statement) OR written acknowledgement from a charitable organization showing the date, amount contributed, and name of the organization.
All tax situations are different and may require additional documentation. The EGP cannot provide tax advice for tax related questions please contact a tax professional.