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Application process

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Application process

2024 Nonprofit Application Cycle

All nonprofits that turn in an on-time, complete, and eligible application will be in the program beginning October 1. Note: Current nonprofit organizations must renew every year.

Opens April 9 and closes April 30, 2024. 

Register for our application webinar.

Step 1: Prepare

(New) Nonprofit Organizations:

(Returning) Nonprofit Organizations:

Federations:  In addition to the above

New Governmental Units: In addition to the above listed under new/returning

  • Documentation showing proof of separate fund, legal authority to accept donations, and documentation regarding tax-deductibility. 

Step 2: Apply Online

The annual nonprofit application is in our kcgov Dynamics portal. Our portal is used to update contact information, account information, and to apply. Log-ins are user specific. Several users can be tied to a specific account. Accessing the portal: Click the green button below to go to the nonprofit portal. It will take you to a different website.

Account set-up and log-in instructions for the portal

New Organizations that did not receive an invite code from an employee referral:

  • Register a new local account on the portal. (Write down your username and password! You will need this from here on out.)New-User-Sign-In

Returning organizations and new organizations that received a portal invite from an employee referral:

  • Must use either use invite code or current log-in. Search your inbox for the subject line "Your Personal King County Employee Giving Program Application Invite"  it could be from previous years. 

How to redeem invitation - Video Tutorial (YouTube, 30 seconds) 


  • Email invite will be sent to you with a link taking you directly to the above page. The invitation code looks like a software serial number. 
  • Create a username and password.
  • Invitations are unique to you, please do not share. Use the email address the invite was sent to.


Accessing our nonprofit portal 

Our portal is used to update contact information, account information, and to apply. Log-ins are user specific and tied to a specific account. Click the green button below to go to our nonprofit portal. It will take you to a different website. 

Access KCEGP nonprofit portal


Step 3: Subscribe and Stay Informed

Manage your subscriptions

Current subscribers

To manage your preferences, enter your email, wireless number, or social media information.

New subscribers

To sign up, enter your contact info. If you wish to have both an email and wireless subscription, you'll need to sign up twice, once with your email and once with your wireless number.

If you have any questions about this service, please contact us.

Did you know?
Volunteer - employees may take up to 3 sick leave days to volunteer at our nonprofits.
Contact Us

Follow us @KCEGP


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