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Frequently asked questions
Finding the right program for your need
Employee Assistance Program - EAPThe Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free county resource that provides county employees with counseling and coaching around work related concerns and problems, including:
Making Life Easier - MLEThe primary services under Making Life Easier (MLE) fall into five categories:
Employee Assistance Program – EAPAll employees (FTE, part-time, Seasonal and temporary employees) are eligible to use the EAP. There is a different program for you and your family members to receive counseling and other life services called Making Life Easier. |
MAKING LIFE EASIER - MLEMaking Life Easier offers a comprehensive range of resources, expert content, and tools designed to support and enhance emotional well-being for all King County employees and their households. From confidential counseling to online tools, you can access resources and support 24/7 in a secure, confidential, and user-friendly format at no charge to you. |
Employee Assistance Program – EAPEAP is intended to be used for work-related problems. Employees use EAP for:
Management uses EAP for:
Making Life Easier - MLEMLE is intended for personal services. Employees can utilize the Employee Assistance Program for work related problems. |
Which program has services for legal and financial issues, or child and adult/elder care assistance?
Employee Assistance Program – EAPEAP is intended for work-related services. Employees can utilize the Making Life Easier Program for these personal issues. |
Making Life Easier - MLEMLE is intended for helping employees and their families with challenging personal issues. It allows you to talk to an attorney in person or on the phone. All financial consultations are done over the phone, mail or e-mail. Additionally, Making Life Easier has a network of approved providers of child and adult elder care in which they refer employees. |
Employee Assistance Program – EAPYes, what we discuss at the EAP is treated confidentially. Release of any information generally requires your knowledge and consent. However, federal and state laws require some exceptions to total confidentiality as well as county policies. During your initial meeting, we will review these exceptions with you. There are generally two ways individuals come to the EAP: on their own or because they were Formally Referred to EAP by their supervisor or human resources. If you come to the EAP on your own we are under no obligation (except as noted above as the exceptions to confidentiality) to disclose anything to your supervisor and will not do so without your consent. If you have been Formally Referred to EAP, we will let your supervisor or HR know when you make your appointment and if you kept it. Any further information can only be released with your consent. We will discuss all of this with you when we meet. |
Making Life Easier - MLEWhat you discuss with your MLE representative is confidential unless you make him or her aware you are at risk of harming yourself or someone else. If you have a work-related concern that you may need to involve your supervisor, please contact the EAP for assistance. |
Employee Assistance Program – EAPPlease reach out to our EAP office and one of our providers will be happy to discuss which counselor will be the best fit and the first availability. EAP Office: Call 206-263-8733 or email |
Making Life Easier - MLEMLE has a network of approved providers in place. Call 1-888-874-7290 to find out if the counselor or consultant you want to see is in their network. |
Employee Assistance Program – EAPEAP King County’s internal EAP providers are Licensed Mental Health Counselor and qualified to do DOT Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP) work. For more information read our EAP staff bios. |
Making Life Easier - MLEWhen you contact MLE, you will always talk to a Masters or Doctoral level, licensed mental health professional. |
Employee Assistance Program – EAPTo attend an appointment with the EAP, work time may be used for this activity. Managers are encouraged to permit their staff to attend if possible while ensuring normal operations are maintained. If work time is utilized an employee must request time in accordance with the employee's department or division policy. |
Making Life Easier - MLEEmployees utilizing MLE services should do so on their own time or utilize appropriate leave benefits. Employees should use or request time as appropriate for their FLSA status as well as their department and division leave policy. |
Supervisor FAQs
Employee Assistance Program – EAPPlease contact the EAP office at 206-263-8733 or email |
Making Life Easier - MLEYou cannot Formally Refer an employee to use the MLE Program, but can share it as a resource. |
Employee Assistance Program – EAPIf you have referred the employee through the Formal EAP Referral process then EAP can disclose EAP appointment times and attendance information only. If you have not Formally Referred the employee, EAP cannot disclose any information without the client’s consent. |
Making Life Easier - MLENo, you cannot, unless the employee chooses to share that with you. |
Employee Assistance Program
Location and hours:
The EAP is located in the Central Building at 810 3rd Ave., Seattle, WA 98104, on the 8th Floor. The Central Building is in downtown Seattle, between Columbia and Marion Streets.
The EAP is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours may vary as needed. We also can come to your workplace if you can secure a confidential room for your meeting with us. Contact us to make an appointment.
Contact us to make an appointment at 206-263-8733, or for more information email
Making Life Easier
Location and hours:
The MLE program has counselors throughout the U.S., including a network of affiliate providers in Washington providing geographically accessible services.
You can talk to a Crisis Counselor 24 hours, 7 days a week. To talk to a Consultant or make an appointment with a Counselor it is best to call between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Access the program here with user name: King County or call 1-888-874-7290.