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Available resources

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Available resources

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If you're concerned your internet usage might be monitored you can call, chat, or text The National Domestic Violence Hotline, 24 hours everyday, 800-799-7233 or 800-787-3224 (TTY).

Read more about staying safe online

Internet usage can be monitored and is impossible to erase completely.

Clear your browser history (external link) after visiting this website.

Computers store information about the websites you visit. That means bills you pay and purchases you make are tracked, and messages or emails can be retrieved. You should always consider that a computer might be monitored when you use it and be careful with what you send others or post.

Safe computers can be found at your local library, Internet cafe, shelter, workplace, or computer technology center; avoid using shared computers when researching things like travel plans, housing options, legal issues, and safety plans. Using safe browsing practices (like using a VPN) can help prevent abusive partners from tracking your Internet history.

Below are some useful resources in the community to find and receive support for traumatic issues such as domestic violence, emergency housing, and community safety.

If you are a King County employee dealing with a domestic violence situation and need support, please call the King County Employee Assistance Program Main Line at 206-263-8733 or email

For workplace supervisors who need help supporting an employee dealing with a domestic violence situation, please contact the Employee Assistance Program at the same phone number and email.

