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Disability Services

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Disability Services

Helping employees succeed in the workplace

The Disability Services Section is an interdisciplinary team dedicated to providing services to King County employees who have an illness or injury that impacts them at work. The team has expertise in the areas of Rehabilitation Counseling, Disability and Absence Management, Human Resources, Human Services, and Supported Employment. We are passionate about serving King County’s employees to ensure they are successful at work, productive and engaged.

We work with employees, physicians, and supervisors to assist with reasonable accommodations and return to work plans for employees whose medical conditions affect their ability to perform the essential functions of their job.

Contact us


All Metro Transit employees

To request a reasonable accommodation,
please contact 206-477-8319 or email:
Metro Transit Disability Services

All other King County employees

To request a reasonable accommodation,
please contact 206-263-9329 or email:
Disability Services