Contract Reporting
New Diversity Compliance Management System (DCMS)
King County Business Development and Contract Compliance is pleased to announce the launch of its new Diversity Compliance Management System (DCMS). The new DCMS has two major component, one for reporting labor and workforce data and another for payment data. The vendor, LCPtracker Inc. hosts the Labor and Workforce compliance component that integrates labor and prevailing wage compliance and workforce reporting in one solution that securely stores worker information. The vendor, Business to Government Now (dba “B2GNow”) hosts the payment component. Subcontractors, sub consultants, and suppliers can acknowledge receipt of their payments and verify the amount paid in B2Gnow. These two components work together to streamline and automate your contract data reporting requirements.—enabling contractors to focus on meeting their project workforce and diversity goals and not on chasing paper.
Our goals are to:
- Streamline and automate data-gathering and reporting requirements
- Lessen administrative processes
- Eliminate paper submittals
Free webinar training is offered several times a month and is available through the DCMS website. Contractors are encourage to register to participate in this training.
For questions or assistance with DCMS, send an email to
Quick Links
Diversity Compliance Management System
Questions or Need Assistance
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.