Other Reimbursements
for King County employees
A miscellaneous non-travel expense related to official County business may be reimbursable if the expense is approved in advance by the presiding elected official or designee and the amount is less than $100.
Example: tools for a job.
Instructions for Reimbursement
Submit original receipts and other supporting documentation to the Coordinator/Admin
Coordinator/Admin will scan all supporting documentation
Coordinator/Admin will create an Expense Report to be approved in Oracle by authorized user
Coordinator/Admin will forward the Approved Expense Report and attach the scanned supporting documentation to iExpense.AP@kingcounty.gov
Reimbursement Check is mailed to employee within 5-7 business days
Policy Links (includes Meals and Refreshments)
PER 17-1-4-EP and KCC Title 3.24.080
Contact Us
Phone: 206-263-9400
TTY Relay: 711
Fax: 206-296-7676