Under $10,000 (Direct Buy)
Direct Buys
Within a calendar year, each cost center may buy less than $10,000 (excluding tax and including freight) of similar goods & services with the same supplier without a contract or comparing quotes.The federal spending micro purchase threshold of $10,000 matches King County’s direct buy threshold per the National Defense Authorization Act of 2018 and 2 CFR 200.67.
Follow the 6 Steps to Success to ensure your purchases meet King County's goals.
- Can you avoid the purchase?
- Can you repurpose what you have?
- Can you get it secondhand from Surplus?
See what's available at the Surplus warehouse (707 S. Orcas St) or add items to your wish list; they'll notify you if it comes in. Email kcsurplus@kingcounty.gov
- Check for Awarded Contracts (even if it costs less than $10,000). We’ve already negotiated a great deal!
Look for:
- made with recycled content
- recyclable/compostable
- reusable or durable
- low: toxicity, VOCs, energy, or water
- biobased
For purchases under $10,000, you may use your discretion to support small businesses... even if they're not the lowest price. Search King County's Small Contractors & Suppliers (SCS) directory.
- Reuse items, or surplus
- Compost and recycle
- Recycle with supplier
- Dispose of hazardous waste correctly
Use the handy lookup tool "What Do I Do With...?" to determine proper disposal for common items.
Contact Us
Phone: 206-263-9400
TTY Relay: 711
Fax: 206-296-7676