Syphilis facts
Syphilis is a curable condition caused by Treponema pallidum, a bacteria called a spirochete
Signs and symptoms
- "The great imitator". You may not notice symptoms or may mistake symptoms for something else.
- A sore (chancre) on the genitals, mouth or rectum usually appears1- 3 weeks after exposure, and can last up to 3 months.
- A skin rash, often on the trunk, palms and soles, but not always, commonly starts 5 - 12 weeks after infection.
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Heaped up wart like lesion in gluteal folds, perineum or perianal
- Neurosyphilis, which can occur at any stage of the disease:
- Ringing in the ears or hearing loss
- Vision changes, including vision loss
- Other neurologic signs/symptoms
- Oral, anal or vaginal sex
- Infected mother to baby during birth
- Use condoms/barriers consistently and correctly during oral, anal or vaginal sex
- Maintain a mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested for syphilis and is not infected
- Get tested regularly and treated for STDs
- Get an infected partner treated
- Do not have sex with a partner who has syphilis until they complete treatment
- See a health care provider for exam and tests to figure out the best treatment
- Treatment includes medicines prescribed by a health care provider and depends on the stage of infection
- Neurosyphilis may require more intensive therapy
- Get a follow-up exam to make sure the treatment has worked
If not treated
- Can increase risk for getting HIV
- Damage major organs including the brain, heart and liver
- Damage blood vessels, bones, eyes and joints
- Paralysis, blindness, dementia or death
- Neurosyphilis:
- Blindness - hearing loss - other irreversible condition
- During pregnancy:
- Premature delivery, birth defects including deafness & blindness - if left untreated, can lead to miscarriage or death in the newborn
If you have syphilis
- Refrain from sex (oral, anal or vaginal sex) if there are symptoms
- Seek medical care, including STD tests
- Get tested for HIV
- Do not have sex until you have completed treatment
- Take all medicines prescribed, even if your symptoms are gone
- Re-test in 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months
- Make sure sex partners get treated
- Get yearly STD screens if sexually active
For patients:
- Syphilis facts in PDF format
- Syphilis facts, Medline Plus
- Syphilis facts, CDC
- Where to get tested for HIV/STDs
For King County health care providers:
- Syphilis (including congenital) is a notifiable condition in King County. Please see disease reporting requirements.
- Health advisories, resources and guidelines