Derelict vessels
Derelict and abandoned vessels are a widespread problem in Washington State and King County. Besides detracting from the natural beauty of our Pacific Northwest waterways, they are a significant source of pollutants and marine debris, even before they sink. Vessels left moored for months or years may break loose and drift, or sink at anchor, causing more pollution and navigational hazards.
King County Sheriff’s Office is a partner in a regional Derelict Vessel Prevention Program, designed to assist the owners of these hazardous vessels in removing them from the water.
Determining Vessels of Interest
Vessels of interest are those which appear to be in severe disrepair, may be moored illegally, or have not been registered recently. Leaking engine or waste fluids, significant algae/plant growth or a vessel which has not moved for weeks, months or years might also be indications of a derelict vessel.
The public can help to identify these vessels by reporting them to the King County Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit at (206) 296-3311 or (206) 477-3790. Important details to report include registration numbers, and location and condition of the potential vessel of interest.
Owner Contact
Once the vessels are identified, attempts are made to contact the owners of the vessels. In many cases, being made aware of the fact that their vessel is considered derelict is enough to prompt the owners to take steps to deal with the hazardous vessel on their own.
For derelict vessel owners without sufficient resources, the Washington State Department of Natural Resources offers a Vessel Turn-In Program which may help to dispose of their dangerous vessels.
Derelict Vessel Removal
If all required attempts at contact fail or the owners of the vessels are unable or unwilling to remove their boats from the water, the Sheriff’s Office and Washington State Department of Natural Resources may remove and dispose of the vessel in accordance with state law.
State Laws Concerning Derelict Vessels - RCW 79.100
DNR Vessel of Concern Reporting Form
Derelict Vessel Prevention Program Background Information