Outdoor musical entertainment
King County business licenses
If you promote, organize or conduct outdoor, live or recorded musical entertainment within unincorporated King County, which will attract 250 or more persons and where a charge is required, a King County Outdoor Musical Entertainment license is required (Title 6* of the King County Code).
You must file an application no later than 40 days prior to the event.
The applicant must provide specific information including a site plan, a detailed proposal and schedule of activities, and a detailed traffic and crowd protection plan. Approvals are required by the King County Sheriff's Office, Seattle-King County Public Health Department, and the Department of Local Services, Permitting Division. Insurance and a cash bond are required.
To apply, complete the Outdoor Musical Entertainment License Application form. For assistance, contact Permitting at 206-296-6600 or email PermitServices@kingcounty.gov.