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Puget Sound marine topics

Puget Sound marine topics

Puget Sound marine documents
King County Science Section

Marine life

Puget Sound marine life photos
View a photo collection of marine plants and animals including pictures of Puget Sound fish, invertebrates, and algae.

School of sandlance in Puget Sound

Juvenile salmonid composition, timing, distribution, and diet in marine nearshore waters of Central Puget Sound in 2001-2002
Scientific report essential for protecting Puget Sound salmon from extinction and to recover depleted salmon stocks.

Marine shoreline inventory report
Inventory of selected shoreline habitat features that support juvenile salmonids, presented in part using high-resolution aerial photos with overlays that classify habitat types.

Puget Sound restoration

Clean Water Healthy Habitat
Clean Water Healthy Habitat
King County's strategic plan to make the right investments at the right time in the right places to protect clean water and healthy habitat in Puget Sound..

Puget Sound Partnership (external link)
Public/private group working to develop an aggressive 15-year plan to solve Puget Sound's most vexing problems.

Whidbey Basin Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) Data
Puget Sound water quality data covering Penn Cove, Saratoga Passage, Port Susan and Possession Sound.

King County Sound Tips 10 Steps to Help Save the Sound

King County and Puget Sound Tips
Learn what you can do to protect Puget Sound. This brochure is one of King County's contributions as a member of the Puget Sound Partnership, which is beginning work on a 15-year plan to protect and restore the Sound. King County works to safeguard Puget Sound, protect human health and enrich the region's quality of life.

State of the nearshore report
It's no surprise that human impacts have caused big trouble for the marine shoreline environment in King County, but a new first-of-its-kind report released September 5, 2001 is helping to crystallize the extent of the problem.

Restoration projects

Cove Creek Habitat Restoration Project
Restoration of a creek on Vashon/Maury Island

Dockton Shoreline Restoration Project
Project is planned for summer 2012, restoring the shoreline and a salt marsh at Dockton, WA on Vashon/Maury Island.  Includes Determination of Non-Significance under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA).

Maury Island Aquatic Reserve Armoring Removal
Mainly a Chinook salmon recovery project improving conditions for eelgrass, marine nearshore and forage fish spawning habitat.

Maury Island Natural Area Fill Removal Project
Project to remove a large concrete pier from the beach to improve beach spawning habitat for fish.

Saltwater State Park Restoration Project
Plan to remove a bulkhead at the mouth of McSorley Creek to restore processes that create habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon and improve nearshore spawning for baitfish.

Sediment remediation projects
Cleanup of contaminated sites in the Duwamish Waterway and Elliott Bay to enhance and restore habitat for aquatic life.

Water pollution

Puget Sound water quality sampling station data
Map of offshore sampling stations providing authoritative water quality conditions in Central Puget Sound waters of King County.

How to build a rain garden
Rain gardens filter pollution from stormwater, helping bring health and vitality to creeks, lakes and Puget Sound.

History of King County's regional wastewater treatment utility 
Read how our region worked to keep our lakes and Puget Sound clean and healthy, including the early days of sewage treatment and disposal in King County, the birth of Metro and development of regional facilities to process the waste produced by our metropolitan area.

Combined Sewer Overflow Control Program
During heavy rainstorms, our combined sewers may exceed their capacity and the mixture of untreated sewage and stormwater is allowed to overflow into Puget Sound and other waters to keep it from backing up into homes and businesses. Learn how King County is working to improve our system to control overflows.

Environmental Laboratory
Collects samples from marine waters, lakes, rivers, biosolids application sites, industries and wastewater treatment plants, and analyzes samples in one of several labs including trace metals, organics, conventionals, microbiology and aquatic toxicology labs.

Metropolitan Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee (MWPAAC)
Created by state law, the MWPAAC advises the King County Executive and Council on reducing water pollution.

Climate change

King County Strategic Climate Action Plan
How King County plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to projected climate change impacts, and embed mitigation and adaptation into county policy decisions. The plan incorporates issues, goals and actions related to coastal areas.

Marine shorelines

Shoreline Master Program
Learn about King County's program to protect shorelines on Puget Sound, large lakes and major rivers.

Saltwater shorelines, Life on the Edge video series
Watch a video that describes what affects Puget Sound beaches and their habitat, with ideas that beachgoers and shoreline property owners may like to apply to help preserve the quality of saltwater beaches and their ecosystems.

Beyond the beach : Learn about the nearshore environment and what you can do to help protect it from damage.

Learn about the Puget Sound nearshore environment from this illustrated presentation:

Learn about the Puget Sound nearshore environment


Central Puget Sound Watershed
Info in King County about Puget Sound and the creek drainages that drain directly to it.

General information

Encyclopedia of Puget Sound
The region's authoritative compilation of Puget Sound geography, ecosystems, animal and plant species and restoration strategies provided by a partnership with University of Washington's Puget Sound Institute, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Puget Sound Partnership.
