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Salmon Habitat Limiting Factors for the Puyallup River Basin - WRIA 10

Salmon Habitat Limiting Factors for the Puyallup River Basin - WRIA 10

Salmon habitat limiting factors report cover - White River, Puyallup River, WRIA 10

Salmon Habitat Limiting Factors for the Puyallup River Basin outlines the dramatic loss of estuarine, riverine and wetland habitat in this river system and the affect on native salmon. This report also appraises the costs of preserving remaining high-quality habitat, restoring damaged habitat, and changing land use practices to enable self-sustaining salmon populations.

This project was required by the Washington State Legislature, to provide consistent regional assessment of habitat limiting factors requiring protection and restoration to maintain and increase naturally spawning and self-sustaining populations of salmonids. "Limiting factors" are conditions that limit the ability of habitat to fully sustain populations of salmon. These factors are primarily fish passage barriers and degraded estuarine areas, riparian corridors, stream channels and wetlands. This report meets the legislative requirement for the Puyallup River Watershed (Water Resource Inventory Area 10).

Download Here:

Salmon Habitat Limiting Factors for the Puyallup River Basin (WRIA 10) (382 Kb Acrobat file)
