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Employee Transportation current news and promotions
Employee Transportation Program Vanpool and Vanshare benefit is now covered 100%!
King County employees may start or join an existing King County Metro Vanpool or Vanshare with 5 or more participants and the cost will be covered 100% by the Employee Transportation Program (ETP).
There are nearly 50 existing Metro Commuter Vans from various King County Departments traveling to worksites ranging from downtown Seattle, regional transit bases, to KC Roads facilities throughout the County. The King County Safety Survey highlighted employee’s interests in a shared ride option for commuting into downtown Seattle. As a result of the survey and support from ETP, the Executive’s Office approved continuing the 100% subsidy for employees commuting in a Metro Commuter Van. The subsidy will remain $65 per month towards your fare for Community Transit, Pierce Transit, or Kitsap Transit Vanpools.
In addition, for downtown core locations the parking cost for the vans may also be covered.
Here is how it works:
If you are a current participant in a Metro Vanpool or Vanshare group, all you need to do is to read the Employee Transportation Program Vanpool Rules, then complete and send the Acknowledgment Form (last page) to Your van bookkeeper will submit their paperwork as they always have and the Metro commuter van program will send their bill to cover your vanpool costs, directly to the Employee Transportation Program for you. Any transportation benefit amount in excess of the IRS limit, $315 per month for 2024, is taxable income and will show in the employee’s W-2.
- If you are interested in forming a new Metro Vanpool or Vanshare, find four other commuters and start discussing the logistics – driver/bookkeeper roles, route, work hours, etc. To learn more and start the process visit
- To find an existing Metro commuter van, please visit and create a trip to search for a van for your commute.
- Need more information? Call Tim Hams, at 206-263-3463 or email
Learn more information about your employee transportation benefits.
ID/ORCA card holders are available
If you have any issues with your current ID/ORCA card holder or you need a new one, there are two ways to get one:
Stop by to the ID & Access Control Office:
King County Admin Building
500 4th Avenue, Room 312
The office is open from 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday. -
Send us an email including your mail stop at and we will mail you a new Card Holder.
Important tips
Remember this when you must use your vehicle
- Idling = zero MPG
- Waiting for more than 30 seconds? Turn off your engine to save gas, money, and the air we breathe.
- Idling more than 30 seconds burns more fuel than turning off and restarting your engine.
- Improve health—Exposure to vehicle exhaust increases asthma symptoms, respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer risk.
- Help the environment—Vehicle exhaust pollutes our air and hurts our climate by producing air-toxic and global-warming pollution.
Common myths
It’s best for my car engine to warm up before driving.
False. Idling more than a few seconds is unnecessary, even on a cold morning. Just ease into your driving for the first few blocks of your trip until the engine is warm.
In terms of gas consumption and engine impact, it’s best to idle the engine rather than restart it.
False. In today’s vehicles, frequent restarting has little impact on engine components. Excessive idling can be hard on your engine as it isn’t working at peak operating temperature.