Affordable Housing Planning
Housing, Homelessness and Community Development Division
The Housing Planning and Development Program is responsible for considering the current and future housing needs for all people in King County. This includes preparing housing plans and mid- and long-range strategies. This program works with King County Department of Permitting and Environmental Review to implement affordable housing incentives and real estate services to acquire King County surplus land for affordable housing.
Citizen InputAdditional Resources
Development Incentives
Density Bonuses
Density bonuses encourage developers to build affordable ownership and rental housing. This is available for projects in unincorporated King County. For every affordable unit, a calculated number of market rate units is allowed, above the base density.
Rental Housing
The bonus sizes range from 1 to 1.5 bonus units per benefit unit.
Ownership Housing
Bonus ranges from .75 to 1.5 bonus units per benefit unit. For 100% affordable projects, the density allows 200% above the base.
Review and Approval Conditions
Density bonus proposals are reviewed concurrently with a proposed subdivision, conditional use permit or commercial building permit. The density bonus proposal requires a public hearing. Final approval conditions will specify the requirements. See King County Code 21A.34 or the Department of Local Services, Permitting Division web page for more information.
Income eligibility is determined by annual HUD Income Guidelines for King County.
Fair Housing
Tenants in King County are protected from discriminatory housing practices by federal and state laws. Depending on where you live, you may be protected by a local fair housing law. King County prohibits unfair housing practices in the rental, sale, or financing of housing because of a person's race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability and use of a service animal, gender, parental status, marital status, religion, participation in Section 8 voucher program or other similar government housing subsidy programs, sexual orientation (includes gender identity), and age. Discriminatory treatment may occur if you are treated differently than other tenants or prospective tenants because of one or more of your class attributes.Tenants with a Disability
Tenants with a disability are entitled to reasonable modifications and reasonable accommodations to housing. Modifications are generally at the expense of the tenant and with the permission of the landlord. The landlord cannot unreasonably withhold permission, but can require restoration to the original condition. Tenants may also apply for financial assistance for modifications through the King County Housing Repair Home Accessibility Modification Grants program.
Fair Housing Enforcement Offices
Tenants who believe that they may have been the victim of housing discrimination can make a complaint with a fair housing enforcement agency. If you live in an unincorporated part of King County, you may make a complaint to the King County Office of Civil Rights, part of King County Equity and Social Justice Office.
If you live in Seattle, you may make a complaint to the City of Seattle Office for Civil Rights. All tenants in Washington State may make complaints to HUD's Fair Housing Office or the Washington State Human Rights Commission.
Resources for Tenant Assistance
Tenants Union of WA State
Tenant Hotline: 206-723-0500
Solid Ground
Housing Counseling Services
Northwest Justice Project
Call 211
King County Bar Association
1200 5th Ave, Suite 700
Seattle, WA 98101