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King County Elections Mails Primary Election Ballots


King County

King County Elections Mails Primary Election Ballots


King County Elections (KCE) mailed approximately 1.4 million ballots for the August 1, 2023 Primary to registered voters across King County today. KCE is projecting 35% turnout for this election. Turnout in both the 2021 and 2019 Primary Elections reached 35%.


King County Elections (KCE) mailed approximately 1.4 million ballots for the August 1, 2023 Primary to registered voters across King County today. KCE is projecting 35% turnout for this election. Turnout in both the 2021 and 2019 Primary Elections reached 35% as well.

The Primary election ballot will feature 174 candidates across 46 races and seven ballot measures. Voters’ pamphlets, featuring statements from each candidate and about each measure, have already begun to arrive in voters’ mailboxes earlier this week.  Voters can also access a personalized voters’ guide on My Voter Information.

Voters will receive their ballots in the coming days and should have them by the Monday, July 17 mail delivery. Voters who have not received their ballots by Monday can call King County Elections at 206-296-VOTE (8683).

This election is the first in which ballots translated into Russian and Somali are available for voters. These two languages join Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese as fully supported languages at KCE, meaning everything from ballots and voters’ pamphlet to voter education and customer service are available in-language. Voters who wish to update their language preference can call 206-296-VOTE (8683) or use the online form.

Ballots must be postmarked by Election Day, August 1, or returned to one of the 76 drop boxes locations across the county. Drop boxes are open 24-hours, seven days a week, until 8 p.m. sharp on Election Day.

The deadline to register to vote online is July 24. Voters can register and vote through 8 p.m. on Election Day at any of KCE’s Vote Center locations.

All voters are encouraged to track their ballot to make sure their voice heard. Voters can also sign up for ballot alerts to receive text and email notifications about their ballot status from when it’s mailed to when it’s verified and counted by King County Elections. Simply opt in online through KCE’s ballot tracker.

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Halei Watkins

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