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Can I register to vote in Washington? 我可否在華盛頓州登記投票?

New新法例 Effective January 1, 2022, if you have been convicted of a felony in Washington State, another state, or federal court, your right to vote is restored as long as you are not currently serving a DOC sentence in total confinement. Going forward, voting rights are immediately restored upon release from prison, regardless of community supervision status. All you need to do is re-register to vote從2022年1月1日起生效:如果您在華盛頓州、另一個州或聯邦法院已被判犯有刑事重罪,只要您目前沒有在完全監禁中服懲教部(DOC)的刑期,您的投票權會被恢復。展望未來,無論社區監督狀況如何,投票權在出獄後都會立即恢復。您所需要做的就是重新登記投票。 

To register to vote in the state of Washington, you must be: 如要在華盛頓州登記投票,您必須是:

  • A citizen of the United States 一名美國公民
  • A legal resident of Washington state 一名華盛頓州的合法居民
  • At least 18 years old by election day 在選舉日已滿18歲
  • Not disqualified from voting due to a court order 沒有因法庭命令而無投票資格
  • Not currently serving a sentence of total confinement under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections for a Washington felony conviction 目前沒有因華盛頓州重罪定罪在懲教部管轄下服完全監禁刑罰
  • Not Currently incarcerated for a federal or out-of-state felony conviction 目前沒有因聯邦或州外重罪判刑而被監禁

Information for felons 刑事重罪犯資訊

If you have been convicted of a felony in Washington State, another state, or in federal court, your right to vote is be restored automatically as long as you are not currently serving a DOC sentence in total confinement. Voting rights are immediately restored upon release from prison following a felony conviction, regardless of community supervision status or outstanding legal fines or court fees.

If you have questions about your status with DOC, call at (800) 430-9674.



If you were convicted of a felony in another state or federal court, your right to vote is restored as long as you are not currently incarcerated for that felony.

若您曾在另一個州或聯邦法院被判刑, 只要您目前沒有因該項刑事重罪而被監禁, 您的投票權則可恢復。

Once your right to vote has been restored, you must re-register to vote , which can be done online, by mail or in person.

For more information on felony voting rights in Washington, visit the Secretary of State’s website .

一旦您恢復投票權, 您必須重新登記投票, 您可以在網上,以郵寄方式或親臨登記。

更多有關刑事重罪犯在華盛頓州之投票權的資訊, 請查閲州務卿的網站

Information for voters without a residence address 沒有居住地址的選民資訊

If you are homeless or don't have a traditional residential address, you can still register to vote.

Put the location where you live, such as a shelter, park, motor home, intersection or other identifiable location you consider your residence on your registration form. This location will be used to register you to vote. ( RCW 29A.08.112 effective 2005)

You must also provide a valid mailing address where you can receive ballots and election information on time. A mailing address can be a post office box, address of a friend or relative, shelter, or general delivery at a local post office.

若您是無家可歸人士或沒有一個傳統的居住地址, 您仍可以 登記投票

請在您的登記表格上填寫您所居住的地點,例如一個庇護中心、公園、汽車房屋、 十字路口或其它您視為居所的可確認地點。 該地點將用於幫助您登記投票。 (華盛頓州修訂法(RCW)第29A.08.112節 , 於2005年生效)


No, your residential address must be where you live. This determines the issues and candidates that appear on your ballot.

However, you can receive your elections mail at any valid mailing location you choose: a post office box, personal mailbox, college mailbox, or a military or out of state/country address. All elections-related materials, including your ballot, will be sent to the mailing address you provide.

不能,您的住址必須是您所居住的地方。 此地址將決定在您選票上的議案和候選人。

