Computers & Imaging Equipment
Computers and imaging equipment—including multifunction copiers such as printers and copiers—often contain toxic materials and are energy intensive to manufacture and operate. It’s important to evaluate the full product lifecycle of the product from design and production to energy use and recycling. This is also a product category to consider leasing instead of owning the product, and it’s the producer’s responsibility to offer proper end-of-life disposition. ENERGY STAR certified office equipment saves energy through efficient design and power management options.
Policy and Goals:
As stated in King County's Sustainable Purchasing Executive Policy (CON 7-22-EP),
- Purchase EPEAT-certified computers and electronics
- Recycle all electronics per e-stewards standard or equivalent
As outlined in King County’s 2020 Strategic Climate Action Plan,
- King County shall optimize print management efficiencies countywide, through new procurement practices and the use of Managed Print Services
- energy efficient products
- laptops
- re-manufactured/​refurbished equipment
- repair equipment to extend life
- power down electronics when not in use for over an hour
- utilize "sleep" or ‘hibernate’ mode
- desktops
- using screen savers
End of Life
- recycle with vendor
An EPA checkmark indicates a certification or standard is recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Technical Specification Language
U.S. Department of Energy: Appliance Energy Calculator
Global Electronics Council: Purchasers Guide for Addressing Labor and Human Rights Impacts in IT Procurements
West Coast Cliamte and Materials Management Forum: Climate Friendly Purchasing Toolkit – Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Contact Us
Phone: 206-263-9400
TTY Relay: 711
Fax: 206-296-7676