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Forest policy and planning

Forest policy and planning

King County, Washington


King County 30 Year Forest Plan

Through our engagement process, we will focus on two broad questions about forests in King County:

  • What do we want?
  • How do we get there?

Prepare to share your thoughts.

The Forestry Program is guided by the King County Comprehensive Plan, which establishes policies on the management of rural land and the uses that are suitable to the rural area. The Comprehensive Plan directs that strategies be developed to maintain forest cover and support the practice of sustainable forestry. Following are the specific planning and policy actions that pertain to the Forestry Program.

Actions Required for King County to Conserve Rural Forests
In 2009, the county's Rural Forest Commission released its recommendations for conserving the forest land base in King County. The report encouraged the County to promote active stewardship of private and public forests to avoid further deterioration of the quality of forests and to capture the ecological, recreational and other values of forests. At the 10-year anniversary of the report, the Rural Forest Commission will be evaluating the status of these recommendations and putting forth new recommendations for the next 10 years.

Strategic Climate Action Plan - King County

Strategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP)
King County's 2015 SCAP provides a roadmap for the county's work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for changing climate conditions. Me One of the key SCAP recommendations was to permanently conserve remaining high-priority forests and other open space lands over the next 30 years through a Land Conservation Initiative. Associated with the land preservation goal was a recommendation to develop a 30-year plan to re-tree King County to the maximum extent practicable, while accommodating population growth and multiple land uses. As a start on the plan to restore forest cover in King County, the SCAP set an objective of planting one million trees between 2015 and 2020, and is working with partners to meet that goal.


Executive Order: Implementation of Forestry Policies
A directive issued March 15, 2002 ordering the Department of Natural Resources and Parks to implement forestry-related policies of the Comprehensive Plan with specific programs and activities.

Farm and Forest Report, 1996
This report contains strategies for preserving working farms and forests to promote the health and stability of the rural and regional economy in King County, based on a study of resource areas identified while preparing King County's 1994 Comprehensive Plan.

For questions about forest policy and planning in King County, Washington, please contact Kathleen Farley Wolf, Project/Program Manager, King County Forestry Program.
