In-Lieu Fee Program Instrument
Mitigation Reserves Program
The In-Lieu Fee Program Instrument is a set of documents describing operations of the program and the framework for implementing mitigation. It is also a legal contract among King County and the US Army Corps of Engineers and Washington Department of Ecology -- the parties to the instrument. . The program was “certified” in 2012 (see history below) it is compliant with federal, state and local rules and regulations and will chart the way for King County to continue successfully meeting mitigation needs for unavoidable permitted impacts.
The links below lead to the set of documents which makes up the Program Instrument:
- In Lieu Fee Instrument - Basic Agreement (PDF file 131 KB) This document outlines basic operations and establishes legal commitments and obligations.
- In Lieu Fee Program Instrument – Technical Appendices and Exhibits (PDF file 3.1 MB) This document describes program operations in detail.
- Bibliography, Mitigation Credit Program Instrument (PDF file 184 KB)
- Exhibit 1, part 1: Service Areas Map (PDF file 269 KB)
- Exhibit 1, part 2: Critical Areas Permit Volume by Basin (PDF file 856 KB)
- Exhibit 2: Snoqualmie Service Area Map (PDF file 351 KB)
- Exhibit 3: Skykomish Service Area Map (PDF file 271 KB)
- Exhibit 4: Cedar - Lake Washington Service Area Map (PDF file 347 KB)
- Exhibit 5: Sammamish Service Area Map (PDF file 334 KB)
- Exhibit 6: Green River Service Area Map (PDF file 342 KB)
- Exhibit 7: Central Puget Sound Service Area Map (PDF file 330 KB)
- Exhibit 8: White-Puyallup Service Area Map (PDF file 302 KB)
- Exhibit 9: Roster Sites by Service Area (PDF file 353 KB)
- Exhibit 10: Mitigation Assessment Method (PDF file 294 KB)
- Exhibit 10: Calculating Credits and Debits for Compensatory Mitigation in Wetlands of Western Washington, DOE (PDF file 5.4 MB)
- Exhibit 10: The Credit/Debit Method for Estimating Needs in Compensatory Wetland Mitigation, (Focus Sheet) DOE (PDF file 336 KB)
- Exhibit 11, part 1: Credit Pricing Analysis (PDF file 50 KB)
- Exhibit 11, part 2: Land Cost Surcharge Calculations (PDF file 55 KB)
- Exhibit 11, part 3: Critical Areas Mitigation Bond Quantity Worksheet (PDF file 45 KB)
- Exhibit 12, part 1: Example Credit Ledger (PDF file 557 KB)
- Exhibit 12, part 2: Example Aquatic Ledger (PDF file 38 KB)
- Exhibit 13: Example Fee Ledger (PDF file 97 KB)
- Exhibit 14: Credit Fulfillment Checklist (PDF file 230 KB)
- Exhibit 15: Restrictive Covenant Template (PDF file 281 KB)
- Exhibit 16: Regulatory Guidance Letter (regarding monitoring requirements) (PDF file 242 KB)
- Exhibit 17: Statement of Sale Template (PDF file 349 KB)
- Exhibit 18: Spending Agreement Template (PDF file 363 KB)
- Exhibit 19: King County Ordinance (PDF file 144 KB)
- Exhibit 20: Using MRP to Meet ESA Section 7 Requirements (PDF file 221 KB)
Certification Process
The Mitigation Reserves Program was certified for operation on March 12, 2012
- In June 2009, King County submitted to the Corps, Ecology, and EPA a program Prospectus which outlined the basic concept of the program. The Prospectus was made available for public review.
- In December 2009, King County incorporated public comments and feedback from the IRT on the program prospectus into a draft Program Instrument which was submitted to the IRT for review.
- In March 2010, King County staff and members of the IRT met to discuss the draft instrument.
- Negotiations about program details continued through 2010, during which time the Program Instrument was significantly revised.
- In June 2011, King County submitted to the IRT a Final Program Instrument.
- In July 2011, the Corps and Ecology, with consent from all IRT members, issued letters stating their intent to certify the program.
- In mid-September 2011, King County staff completed a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) environmental checklist. On September 22, 2011 King County issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) related to environmental impacts of certifying the program, after which there was a two-week public comment period. No comments were submitted.
- In late October 2011 King County Executive Constantine transmitted an ordinance to King County Council by which the Council could then authorize the County Executive to sign the Instrument.
- In January 2012, the King County Council unanimously passed the authorizing ordinance.
- On March 12, 2012, Colonel Bruce Estok (the Corps) signed the program instrument, officially certifying the program.
For questions about King County's Mitigation Reserves Program, please contact program staff.