Watershed Management Committee Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Pollution Action Plan Adopted 1997
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The Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Pollution Action Plan describes the condition of the basin and proposes solutions to the problems of flooding and declining salmon and steelhead runs. It also recommends preventive measures to protect water quality, groundwater supplies, and habitat as the basin planning area continues to develop. Preventing problems in the watershed will be much more cost-effective over time than trying to correct problems once they occur. The plan was adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council in July, 1997.
The recommendations in the Cedar River Basin Plan have been prioritized into a Core Plan consisting of capital projects and ongoing ·administration of programs that would, at a minimum, accomplish the Plan's most important goals. This Core Plan:
- Resolves the threat of hazardous flooding for approximately 90 percent of the 130 homes currently at greatest risk;
- Protects the most valuable remaining aquatic habitat sites in the basin planning area, restores those with the best chance for recovery, and helps ensure long-term productivity of Lake Washington salmon and steelhead; and
- Maintains the Cedar River's high water quality.
The Cedar River Basin Plan offers a unique opportunity and challenge to meet the needs of urban and rural residents living in the Cedar River basin, and to provide for reduced flood damages and long-term, self-sustaining fish runs.
The Cedar River Basin Plan combines a traditional King County Basin Plan, jointly funded by King County and the City of Renton, with a Nonpoint Source Pollution Action Plan funded by the Washington Department of Ecology and called for by the Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan. The Basin Plan was prepared under the policy direction of the Cedar River Watershed Management Committee, composed of representatives of local and state government agencies, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and non-governmental organizations. A Citizens Advisory Committee, made up of area residents, also contributed to the development of the Plan. King County's Water and Land Resources Division (formerly Surface Water Management Division) acted as lead in plan preparation.
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Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Pollution Action Plan (13.9 Mb)
For more information about the Lower Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Action Plan, please contact Nathan Brown III, King County Water and Land Resources Division.