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2001 Salmon Spawning Surveys in Selected Tributaries of the Cedar River, Washington

2001 Salmon Spawning Surveys in Selected Tributaries of the Cedar River, Washington

2001 Salmon Spawning Surveys in Selected Tributaries of the  Cedar River, Washington

Cover - 2001 Salmon Spawning Surveys in Selected Tributaries of the Cedar River, WashingtonPublished Aug., 2002 - During the 1990s, increased emphasis was placed on understanding the distribution and abundance of spawning salmon in the Lake Washington Basin. Since 1996, King County has been actively surveying spawning salmon in the Cedar River and its four major tributaries, Rock, Peterson, Taylor, and Walsh Lake Creeks. This document is a summary of such efforts undertaken in 2001.

Text and figures for the 2001 Salmon Spawning Surveys are provided here in version 5 of Adobe Acrobat. For help with Acrobat, please see our Acrobat Help Page.

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2001 Salmon Spawning Surveys in Selected Tributaries of the Cedar River, Washington
