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Worksite flu shots

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Worksite flu shots

Get your flu vaccine

Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that everyone six months and older get a flu vaccine each season? The flu vaccine is the number one way to protect yourself and your family, friends, and co-workers from getting the flu this season. Flu shots have many important benefits; getting a flu shot can reduce your risk of getting the flu, help protect vulnerable populations, and conserve health care resources as we continue to navigate these uncertain times.

Each fall, the option to get your flu shot at work is available to King County employees.


How to participate

Balanced You hosts onsite flu shots for King County employees each fall. Flu shots are free for all employees. Check the Balanced You blog for updates.

Employees who are telecommuting and employees’ family members may find it more convenient to go to their healthcare provider’s office or a local pharmacy. Learn more about how to get a flu shot through your provider or local pharmacy.



Stay connected

Please share your feedback with the team at Balanced You so we can spread good ideas, share success stories, and bring new tools to help you feel energized and be your best. The more you tell us, the better Balanced You will be!


Phone: 206-263-9626

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