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Manage Longterm Health: Omada and Living Well

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Manage Longterm Health: Omada

Learn to manage your long-term health

As a King County employee, you have access to free programs through Balanced You that can help you feel better and do your best work. Here are two that can improve your health and well-being, especially if you may be at risk for type 2 diabetes or are already managing a long-term health condition.

Reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes

Some people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes may be able to prevent it with healthy lifestyle changes. Omada’s online program can help. If you qualify, a professional health coach will help you build good habits around food, exercise, sleep and stress. You’ll monitor your progress with a wireless scale and online check-ins with your coach.

Omada is available at no additional cost to King County employees and your eligible dependents who have Kaiser Permanente or Regence BlueShield health coverage.

Manage your type 1 and type 2 diabetes

The Omada Diabetes Management Program is open to employees and family members age 18+ who are covered by the Regence KingCare and Regence KingCare Select medical plan who have a diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Learn more about Diabetes Support on the Health Support Programs page.


Additional resources

Kaiser Permanente members

Your plan offers even more resources, including:

  • Online tools and a health profile to take control of your health
  • Lifestyle coaching
  • Discounts on fitness centers, weight loss resources, and alternative medicine
  • Tobacco cessation

Visit the Kaiser website to learn more.

Regence BlueShield members

Your plan offers even more resources, including:

  • Weight management
  • Stress management
  • Wellness discounts
  • Tobacco cessation
  • Health library

Visit the Regence website to learn more.

Stay connected

Please share your feedback with the team at Balanced You so we can spread good ideas, share success stories, and bring new tools to help you feel energized and be your best. The more you tell us, the better Balanced You will be!


Phone: 206-263-9626

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