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2019-2020 Budget

2019-2020 Budget

On November 13, 2018, the King County Council adopted the 2019-2020 King County Budget as Ordinance 18835. A summary of Council action is available here.

Read the 2019-2020 Adopted Biennial Budget book (PDF, 16 MB)

2019-2020 King County Budget Highlights: 


On September 24, 2018, the King County Executive transmitted to the King County Council the proposed King County 2019-2020 Biennial Budget. The Council reviewed the proposed budget, held hearings and briefings, and gathered feedback from the public throughout the fall.

The majority of the budget review work took place in the Budget & Fiscal Management Committee (all members sit on this Committee during the budget review). The review included issue specific panels that were able to more closely examine the proposal and make recommendations to the Budget Committee.

On November 8, the Budget Committee considered and acted on the committee’s “striking amendment,” the committee’s recommended changes to the Executive’s budget proposal. The striking amendment can be found on the Budget Review tab.

Thank you to everyone who joined our open town hall to share your opinions and priorities with us about the budget. Adoption of the budget completes the Council’s process on deliberation and public input on the proposal.



The following is the schedule overview for the Council’s review of the proposed King County 2019-2020 Biennial Budget. This schedule is subject to change and updates will be posted accordingly. Please visit the Budget Review tab for a more detailed meeting schedule and for opportunities to comment in person. 

Last updated: November 2, 2018
Please note that all meetings with be held in Council Chambers on the 10th Floor of the King County Courthouse, 516 3rd Ave in Seattle, unless otherwise noted. The meeting schedule will continue to be updated. For committee and panel meeting agendas and materials, please visit the Budget & Fiscal Management Committee page. 

Budget & Fiscal Management Committee

Week 1 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018
9:30 am
> The Budget and Fiscal Management Committee begins its review of the 2019-2020 Executive Proposed Biennial Budget on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 with a briefing from King County’s separately elected officials.

Opportunity for public comment.

Thursday, October 4 - Special Evening Meeting
6:30 pm

Chief Kanim Middle School
32627 Redmond-Fall City Road SE
Fall City, WA 98024

Opportunity for public comment.

Week 2 

Tuesday, October 9
9:30 am
Agency Review and opportunity for public comment.

Wednesday, October 10
10:00 am
Revenue briefing and opportunity for public comment.

Thursday, October 11 - cancelled

Week 3 

Tuesday, October 16
9:30 am 

Panel 1 budget review (combating our housing crisis). Opportunity for public comment. 

1:30 pm
Panel 2 budget review (local services excellence). Opportunity for public comment.

Wednesday, October 17
9:30 am
Panel 3 budget review (move King County). Opportunity for public comment. 

Thursday, October 18
9:30 am
Panel 4 budget review (equity and justice for all). Opportunity for public comment. 

Week 4 

Tuesday, October 23 
9:30 am 
Panel 1 budget review (combating our housing crisis). Opportunity for public comment. 

1:30 pm
Panel 2 budget review (local services excellence). Opportunity for public comment.

Wednesday, October 24
9:30 am
Panel 3 budget review (move King County). Opportunity for public comment. 

Thursday, October 25 
9:30 am
Panel 4 budget review (equity and justice for all). Opportunity for public comment. 

Week 5 

Tuesday, October 30
9:30 am

Revenue briefing and opportunity for public comment.

Wednesday, October 31
9:30 am
Panel 1 budget review (combating our housing crisis)Opportunity for public comment. 

11:00 am
Panel 2 budget review (local services excellence). Opportunity for public comment.

Thursday, November 1 
9:30 am
Panel 3 budget review (move King County). Opportunity for public comment.

11:00 am
Panel 4 budget review (equity and justice for all). Opportunity for public comment.  

Week 6 

Tuesday, November 6
9:30 am

Possible votes on revenue measures. Opportunity for public comment.

Wednesday, November 7 - tentative
9:30 am

Possible votes on revenue measures. Opportunity for public comment (if meeting is needed).

Thursday, November 8
9:30 am

Possible vote on striking amendment. Opportunity for public comment.

Friday, November 9 - tentative
9:30 am 

Possible vote on striking amendment. Opportunity for public comment (if meeting is needed).

Full Council

Week 6 

Monday, November 5
11:30 am

Special meeting. Public comment opportunity.

Week 7 

Tuesday, November 13
1:30 pm

Public comment opportunity. Possible vote on the 2019-2020 King County Budget.

On Tuesday, October 16, the Council commenced intensive panel review of the Executive Proposed 2019-2020 Biennial Budget. The proposed spending plan is being divided and scrutinized under the issue areas listed below. For panel meeting materials, please visit the Budget & Fiscal Management Committee page. For the meeting schedule, please select the meeting schedule icon above. 

Budget Panel 1 – Combating our Housing Crisis

Councilmembers: Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Chair, Claudia Balducci, Rod Dembowski, Larry Gossett, Kathy Lambert, Dave Upthegrove
Staff: Mary Bourguignon, Panel Lead, Sahar Fathi, Miranda Leskinen, Alison Mendiola, Jeff Muhm
Panel Assistant: Angelica Calderon 

Budget Panel 2 – Local Services Excellence

Councilmembers: Kathy Lambert, Chair, Reagan Dunn, Joe McDermott, Dave Upthegrove
Staff: Erin Auzins, Panel Lead, Nick Bowman, Jenny Ngo
Panel Assistant: Sharon Daly

Budget Panel 3 – Move King County

Councilmembers: Claudia Balducci, Chair, Reagan Dunn, Kathy Lambert, Joe McDermott, Dave Upthegrove, Pete von Reichbauer
Staff: Paul Carlson, Panel Lead, Mary Bourguignon, Leah Krekel-Zoppi
Panel Assistant: Marka Steadman

Budget Panel 4 – Equity and Justice for All

Councilmembers: Rod Dembowski, Chair, Larry Gossett, Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Kathy Lambert, Dave Upthegrove
Staff: Andrew Kim, Panel Lead, Clifton Curry, Sahar Fathi, Jenny Giambattista, Samantha Porter, Wendy Soo Hoo
Panel Assistant: Erica Newman 

On November 8, the Budget & Fiscal Management Committee discussed and acted on the “striking amendment,” the committee’s recommended changes to the Executive’s budget proposal.

The Committee's striking amendment was adopted and sent to the full Council for final action.

While all members of the King County Council sit on the Budget & Fiscal Management Committee during budget considerations, the budget leadership team lead's the Council's review.

Members of the budget leadership team include:

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