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King County Elections has a number of cutting-edge election security measures in place and works with formal groups and partners who provide oversight to ensure the counting process is secure. 金郡選舉部有一些最精進的選舉保安措施 , 並與提供監督的正式團體和合作夥伴一起工作,以確保點數過程的安全。

The public is invited to take a tour of the process. During an election, visitors are free to walk “the loop” in the Elections office where they can watch the entire journey a ballot takes, from the time it enters our mail sorter to when it is scanned into the system for tabulation. 公眾獲邀請參觀這個過程。 在選舉期間,訪客可以自由地在選舉部辦公室的“循環道”繞行, 在那裏他們可以觀看整個投票過程, 選票從進入我們的郵件分類機到為了點票而被掃描入系統內。

Observers from both political parties are requested to be on site for every election as added assurance of oversight and accountability. If you would like to be an observer, please contact the political party with which you affiliate. Elections are also monitored and formally reviewed periodically by the Secretary of State’s office . 兩個政黨的觀察員都被要求出席每次選舉現場,作為對監督和問責制的附加保障。 如果您想成為觀察員,請與您所屬的政黨聯絡。 州務卿辦公室還定期進行監督和正式審核每個選舉。

The Citizens’ Election Oversight Committee monitors county elections and advises on a variety of issues. The 14-member committee is appointed by the County Council and includes representatives from the state, county, parties and organizations. 市民選舉監督委員會監測郡選舉部, 並就各種問題提供諮詢。 該14人組成的委員會是由郡議會指派, 及包括來自州、郡、黨派和組織的代表。

The Canvassing Board, with representatives from the County Council and Prosecutor’s Office, meets throughout each election to review challenged ballots and certify results. The Canvassing Board schedule is posted for each election.選票審核委員會與來自郡議會和檢控官辦公室的代表一起在每次選舉中審核受質疑的選票和認證結果。 每次選舉都會公佈選票審核委員會的時間表

Every ballot returned to and received by King County Elections is accounted for at several points during its processing journey. Elections staff reconcile and account for every single ballot in the building on a daily basis. This reconciling process allows us to know exactly where each ballot is in the process, track trends and patterns, and identify and troubleshoot any potential issues. Each election is fully reconciled before certification and reconciliation reports are available online on each election’s results page. King County Elections has a long track record of complete reconciliation for each election without no discrepancies or unaccounted for ballots.每張交回及被金郡選舉部收到的選票,在其處理過程中都經幾個位置中受到核對。選舉部工作人員每天調解及核對大樓內的每一張選票。此核對過程使我們準確地了解每張選票在進程中的那個位置、追蹤趨勢和模式、及識別和解決任何潛在問題。在每次選舉結果頁面上所提供的確證和調解報告之前每個選舉都要完成調解。金郡選舉部在每次選舉中都有完整調解的悠久記錄,沒有出現差異或下落不明的選票。 

Cutting-edge security measures 最精進的保安措施

A few of the security measures for each election: 每次選舉的幾個保安措施:

  • Ballots and ballot processing areas are safeguarded by key card access and biometric controls that check fingerprints. 選票和選票處理區通過密鑰卡開啟及檢查指紋的生物識別控制得到保護。
  • All staff, observers, visitors and media must be credentialed and wear a badge at all times. Color-coded lanyards allow for quick identification of security clearance. 所有工作人員,觀察員,訪客和媒體均必須認證及隨時都要佩帶出入證。 顏色編組的吊帶允許快速識別的保安檢查。
  • Staff and party observers participate in a Logic and Accuracy Test to ensure equipment will function properly in preparation for each election. 工作人員和黨派觀察員參與邏輯和精準性測試,以確保設備在每次選舉的準備工作中正常運作。
  • More than 20 security cameras monitor the building 24 hours a day. 每天24小時,有超過20部保安攝影機監視着建築物。
  • Building alarm systems are on doors and high security areas. 建築物報警系統裝設在門檻及高度保安區。
  • Coordination of site and ballot security with the Sheriff’s Office. 現址和選票保安都與警察局長辦公室得到協調。
  • Ballots have a batching and tracking system. 選票有一個組合處理和追蹤系統。
  • A formal chain of custody process supports all movement of ballots. 正式的監管連貫性過程支持所有選票的動態。