There are other ways to vote besides voting by mail. 除了郵寄投票之外,我們亦提供其它投票的選擇。
Online ballot marking program 網上選票填寫項目
- Any registered voter can use the online ballot marking program. 任何登記選民都可以使用該網上選票填寫項目。
- Voters with disabilities can mark their choices on the ballot online. The online ballot marking program has been designed specifically to enable voters who are blind or have low vision to cast a private ballot. 身體有障礙的選民也可以在網上填寫其選票。該網上選票填寫項目專為失明或視力較低的選民能夠填投一份隱秘的選票而設。
- If a voter's ballot is damaged or lost, the voter may mark their ballot on a computer and print it out. Return it by mail or at a ballot drop box before the 8 p.m. election day deadline. 若選民的選票損壞或遺失了,選民可以在電腦上填寫其選票,然後將選票印出。於選舉日晚上8時截止時間之前將其透過郵寄或放入一個選票投放箱交回。
- Overseas and service voters may request to permanently receive their ballot using this program. 海外及服役選民可要求透過此項目長期獲取其選票。
Vote centers 投票中心
Vote centers are available for voters that need assistance. Each center has voting machines that offer audio or large print ballots, and other assistive devices. Elections staff are available to assist as needed. Mail ballots can also be dropped off at any voting center, when open. 投票中心為需要協助的選民開放。在每一個中心的投票機都具備語音,或大字體選票,以及其它輔助設備。同時也有選舉部人員在場為您提供所需的協助。您亦可以將郵寄選票交回到任何一個開放的投票中心。
Other voting options 其它投票選項
If one of the above options doesn’t work for you, please contact us for further assistance. 如果上述的選項您都不適用, 請與我們的辦事處聯絡 以獲進一步的協助。