Voter Education Fund
Breaking down barriers to voting
The Voter Education Fund (VEF) is a government, philanthropic, and community partnership to remove barriers to voting.
Led by King County Elections, the Seattle Foundation, and local organizations, the fund provides grants for community-based organizations working to increase access to the ballot among historically excluded communities.
After a successful pilot program in 2016, the VEF was launched in 2017. Over the past several years, VEF partners have registered thousands of Washingtonians to vote, provided non-partisan voter education, and helped many of our neighbors make their voices heard.
Multi-Year grants of up to $50,000 over two years
- For organizations looking to increase their reach and build capacity in existing voter education and registration efforts.
- This application period is now closed for 2023-2024. Below is the list of multi-year grantee organizations for this cycle: African Community Housing and Development Asian Counseling and Referral Service
Chinese Information and Service Center
Eastside for All
Freedom Project
Hearing, Speech, & Deaf Center
Institute for Community Leadership
Korean American Coalition of Washington
Latino Community Fund of Washington State
Para Los Niños
Real Change Homeless Empowerment Project
Refugee Women’s Alliance
Somali Family Safety Task Force
Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness
The Vera Project
The Washington Bus Education Fund
Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
UTOPIA (United Territories of Pacific Islanders Alliance)
Villa Comunitaria
Voices of Tomorrow
Washington Indian Civil Rights Commission
Seed Grants of $5,000 to $10,000
- For organizations new to voter education and registration, and/or those that provide smaller events and programs.
- Applications accepted and grants awarded on a rolling basis.
- Organizations who have received seed grants thus far include: Alphabet Alliance
Amigos de Seattle
El Centro de la Raza
Entre Hermanos
Fanikia Foundation
Gay City: Seattle’s LGBTQ Center
LGBTQ Allyship
Malawi Seattle Association
Muslim American Youth Foundation
Native Vote Washington
Sea Mar Community Health Center
Serve Ethiopians Washington
South Sudan Kuku Association of North America (SSKANA)
West Hill Community Association
Wing Luke Museum
yəhaw̓ Indigenous Creatives Collective
Who we fund
- 501c3 organizations (or those who have a 501c3 fiscal sponsor)
- Organizations closely connected to their communities
- Organizations representative of the communities they serve
- Organizations with clear and actionable field plans
We prioritize proposals that seek to decrease inequities in voter registration and voting, specifically in historically disenfranchised communities.
What we fund
Ongoing campaign or events focused on one or more of the following:
- Voter education or outreach informing underrepresented voters about how voting works in King County
- Voter registration activities where our communities work, play, or connect
- Nonpartisan community events on elections and voting
- Culturally appropriate technical assistance in navigating the voting process
- Interpretation and translation services for voters
Selection process
Applications will be reviewed by a panel including members from King County Elections, Seattle Foundation, and community members. Evaluation criteria include:
- Connection with their communities
- Experience in non-partisan voter education and voter programs
- Capacity to complete proposed projects
- Approach to tracking progress
- Detailed field plan and budget
For questions or assistance please contact:
Naheed Aaftaab
King County Elections
Vanesa Gutierrez
Seattle Foundation
Contact Elections
Phone: 206-296-VOTE (8683)
TTY: Relay 711
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