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Health and wellness discounts
Helping employees meet their health goals
Many discounts are available to all King County employees, their families and retirees. The below facilities offer a variety of classes, services and supports to help members meet their health goals. To take advantage of these available discounts, employees must show proof of employment.
For more information contact Balanced You.

Available discounts
Other wellness discounts can be accessed through employee health plans:
- Kaiser Permanente (SmartCare Connect) members: Additional discounts are available through the ChooseHealthy and ClassPass programs.
- Regence BlueShield (King Care or KingCare Select) members: Additional discounts for employees are available through the Regence Advantages program.
- Regence BlueShield (King Care of KingCare Select) members: Employees also have access to the Active&Fit Direct program, which allows them to choose from 11,500+ participating fitness centers nationwide for $28 a month (plus a $28 enrollment fee and applicable taxes).
- Kaiser Permanente members: Employees also have access to the Optum One Pass Select Affinity program, a subscription-based fitness membership and well-being network designed to support a healthier lifestyle for members. Choose from five membership tiers, based on members’ fitness goals and financial preferences, with competitive pricing starting at $10 a month.
Disclaimer: Please note that offers may vary, all discounts are voluntary and subject to change. Some facilities may offer seasonal discounts that are more competitive than these annual discounts. King County pays no sponsorship or portion of membership fees. This information is updated as new discounts are offered. King County does not endorse any particular club or facility, programs or business practices. King County will not be liable for any personal injury, property damage, or theft that may occur as a result of an individual participating in any club or gymnasium that is referenced in this site.
Regence members: Active&Fit Direct Program
Regence BlueShield (King Care or KingCare Select): Employees who are Regence members also have access to the Active&Fit Direct program, which allows them to choose from 12,500+ participating fitness centers nationwide for $28 a month plus a $28 enrollment fee and applicable taxes. For more information, go here.
Kaiser Permanente members: Optum One Pass Select Program
Kaiser Permanente members: Employees who are Kaiser Permanente members also have access to the Optum One Pass Select Affinity program, a subscription-based fitness membership and well-being network designed to support a healthier lifestyle for members. Choose from five membership tiers, based on members’ fitness goals and financial preferences, with competitive pricing starting at $10 a month. For more information, go here.
The King County Gym Discount Program partners with facilities throughout the Puget Sound. To participate in the Gym Discount Program, facilities must be able to accommodate at least 25 individuals at a time, offer the discount for one calendar year to all King County employees, their family members and retirees, and offer a range of services and programs. To participate in the program or for more information, contact Balanced You.